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单词 other
other/′ʌ ð ə(r)/ detadj & pron

det (1)其他的,另外的,别的(moreadditional to...):Those people fool themselves,and try to fool~people.那些人欺骗自己,同时也试图欺骗别人。Have you any~questions? 你还有别的问题吗? There are no~possibilities.没有其他的可能性。I'll take this and one~suit on the trip.我要带着这一套和另外一套衣服去旅行。〖同〗additional,more,added,extra;

(2)(两个中的)另一个(second of two peoplethingsgroupsetc)(用于the,物主代词等之后与一sing名词连用):I found one shoe but I can't see the~one.我找到了一只鞋,但找不到另一只。He's parked on the~side of the road/street.他把车停在路/街的另一侧。Now open your~eye.好啦,睁开你的另一只眼睛吧。

(3)其余的,剩下的(remaining)(用于the或物主代词之后与一pl名词连用):the~members of the family 家庭的其他成员;Tom is reading in his room,but the~boys are playing on the playground.汤姆在他的房间里读书,但是别的男孩子都在操场上玩。I haven't read The Mayor of Casterbridge but I've read all the~novels by Thomas Hardy.托马斯·哈代的小说除了《卡斯特桥市长》,别的我都读过了。

the other day/morning/week/monthetc 不久前的一天/一个上午/一个星期/一个月等:That thunderstorm the~night frightened the baby.不久前夜里的那场雷雨使这个婴儿受了惊吓。

adj 不同于……(different (peoplethingsetc) from...)(fml)(用于:~…than…);O~men than Adam would have said nothing.除了亚当,别的男人什么也不会说。

pron(1)其他(另外,别)的人或事物(additional or different people or things)[others]:Some people went by bike,~s went by car.有些人骑车去,其他人坐汽车去。She thinks only of~s' good.她只为别人的利益着想。Show me some~s,please.请再给我拿些别的看看。He and three~s were sentenced to death.他同另外三个人被判处死刑。

(2)其余(或剩下)的人或事物(remaining persons or things in a group)((用于the 或)一表示所属关系的det之后):Eight of them are mine;the~s are hers.这些东西中有八个是我的,其余是她的。I'll wait until all the~s come back.我要等到其余所有的人回来。

other than(prep) 1)不同于;而不:The truth is quite~than what you think.事实的真相远非你想的那样。2)除了:Is anyone~than yourself coming? 除了你自己还有别人来吗?

【注意】other 和another的用法见ANO-THER的【注意】。





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