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单词 up
释义 up /ap; Ap/ adv part (contrasted with down. Lthe v entries for combinations with up. Specimen entries only here.) (与 -down 相对, 参看与 up 连用的动词诸条。下面所列, 仅系范例。) 1 to or in an erect or vertical position (esp as suggesting readiness for activity): 趣向于或处于直立的姿势或位置(尤指含有准备活动的意思): He's already up, out of bed. 他白起床。 I was up late (— did not go to bed until late) last night. 我昨夜很晚才就寝。 She was up all night with a sick child. 她陪伴着生病的孩子澈夜未眠。 It's time to get up, out of bed. 是起床的时頫了。 He got up (= stood up) to ask a question. 祖站起来发问。 He jumped up (ie to his feet) from his chair. 他从椅子上跳了起来。 Up with you! Get up! Stand up! 起来!(起床! 起立;) Up with them! Put, bring, etc them up! 把它们直立起来! Parliament is up, no longer sitting, no longer in session. 国会闭 WTo His blood was up, His passions were roused. 他发脾气了。 What's up. (colloq) What's going on, happening? (俗)什么事?发生什么事了? There's something up, Sth unusual is happening, being planned, etc. 不寻常的事即将发生。 up and about, out of bed and active (esp of a person recently ill). (尤指最近生过病的人)已起床活动。 2 to or in a high(er) place, position, degree, etc: 往或居于高或较高的地方、位置、程度等:队 your head up. 抬起头来。 Pull your socks up. 振作起来。 The tide's up, in. 潮水上涨了。 He lives three floors up. 他住在往上第三 ffio Prices are still going up, rising. 物价初在上康。他 's well up in Greek, has made good progress. 他的希文大有进步。 3 to a place of importance; (in England) to London; to a place in or to the north: 至重要之处或地方; (在英国)至伦敦; 至北部或北方之地: He has gone up to London for the day. 他今天上偷敦去了。 He lives up in the Lake District. 他住在北部的大湖区。 We're going up to Edinburgh. 我们要去爱丁堡。 The case was brought up before the High Court. 那案件已呈请高等法院审理。 4 (used vaguely, in a way similar to the use of down, round, over, across) to the place in question, or in which the speaker is, was, will be: (W统用法,与 down, round, over, across 的用法相似)至所谈或所指定的地方; 至讲话者所在之处: He came up (to me) and asked the time. 他走过来(走至我面前) 询问时间。 She went straight up to the door. 她一直走到门口。 5 (with vv to indicate completeness, finality): (与动词连用,表示完全,彻底,终结): The stream has dried up, has become completely dry. 溪水全干了。 We've eaten everything up. 我们把每一样食物都吃光了。 Time's up, The allowed time is ended. 时间到了。 When is your leave up? When must you return to duty? 你的假期何时届满? Tear it up. 把它撕碎。 Lock/ Tie/Fasten/Chain/Nail it up, Make it fast, secure, safe, etc by locking, tying, etc. 把它锁好 (绑好,固定好,用链子拴好,用钉子钉好)。 6 (with vv to indicate an increase in intensity, etc): (与动词连用,表示强度等的增加): Speak/Sing up! (ie with more force). 说(唱)大声一些! Her spirits went up, rose. 她的兴致提起来了。 Blow the fire up. 把火吹大一些。 7 (attrib uses with nn): (形容用虫, 置名词前): the 'up train (to London); (俗) 往伦敦的)上行火车; the 'up line/platform (used by up trains); 上行线(上行火车使用的月台); an 'up stroke, eg of the pen when writing the letter 1. 向上的笔贝(如写 1 时) 。 8 up against sth, faced with (difficulties, obstacles, etc). 面临(困难,阻碍等)。 be up before sb, appear in court (before a magistrate, etc): 上法庭 (接受必官等审讯): He was up before tie magistrate for being drunk while driving a car. 他因酒醉驾车而被法庭传讯。 up and down, a backwards and forwards; to and fro: 前后地; 在宏地; 来回地: walking up and down the station platform. 在车站月台上来回地走。 b so as to rise and fall: 上下地; 曷伏地: The float bobbed up and down on the water. 漂浮物在水面上下浮动。 Hence, 由此产生, ups ' and downs, (usu fig) alternations of good and bad fortune, (通常作比喻用法)好运与坏运的交替; 盛衰; 浮沉。 on the up (and up), (colloq) steadily improving; becoming more successful. (俗)愈来愈好; 越来越成功。 up for sth, a being tried for (an of-fence, etc): 为(某项罪行等)受审: up for exceeding the speed limit. 因(糸车) 超速而受审。 b being considered for; on offer: 考虑中; 出卖; 出售: The contract is up for renewal. 该合松正考虑换新。 The house is up for auction/sale. 该房屋在拍卖 (出售)。 be well up in/on sth, be well informed about; be expert in: 熟知; 对… 内行; 对…有充分知识 He's well up on electronic music. 他对电子音乐很内行。 up to sth, a occupied or busy with: 忙于; 从事于; 正在做: What's he up to? 他在忙什么呢? He's up to no good. 他在做坏事。 What tricks has she been up to, playing? 她一直在玩什么把戏? b equal to: 胜任; 能作; 及得上: I don't feel up to going to work today. 我今天身体不适不能去工作。 This new book of Hugh Fleetwood's isn't 'up to his last, is not as good. 休福利伍德的这本薪书不及他的前一本。 He's not up to his work/to the job, not good enough for the job. 他不能胜任他的工作(这份工作 )。 c as far as: 直到: to now/ then; 直到现荏(那时); count from one up to twenty. 从一数到二十。 up to sb, required, looked upon as necessary, from him: 应由某人…; 视为某人的职责: It's up to us It is our duty) to give them all the help we can. 我们理应竭尽所能给予他们协助。 all up (with sb), all2(1). (up-and-'coming, (of a person) making good progress, likely to succeed, in his profession, career, etc: (指人)在其职业、事业等方面有长足进步的; 很可能成功的; 进取的: an up-and-coming young MP. 一位有进取心的年轻国会议员。 prep (in the senses of the adv): (具有副词的各种意金): climb up a mountain; 爬山; walk up the stairs; 上楼梯; sail up (towards the source of) a river; |S] 河的上游航行; travel up country, away from the coast; 到丙谜旅行; walk up (= along) the road. 沿大路而行。 vi, vt (-pp-) [VP2A, 6A] 1 (humor or colloq use only) rouse oneself; get or jump up: (仅作诙谐或口语用法)奋起; 起立; 跳起: She upped and threw the teapot at him. 她跳起来将茶壶向他掷去。 2 (colloq) increase: (G)ttzW: up the price; 加价; up an offer. 腿高出价。




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