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单词 天昏地暗

天昏地暗天昏地黑tiān hūn dì àn

❶a murky sky over a dark earth; dark all round; it is dark (/overcast) like night;
❷in a state of chaos and darkness; in a dismal and gloomy state
❍ 他是全部黑暗,~,日月无光。(《毛泽东选集》 153) There is darkness through and through,a mass of murkiness which neither moonlight nor sunlight can penetrate.
❍ 风沙烟雾遮得~。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》280) The yellow cloud of sand blotted out heaven and earth.
❍ 傍晚,阴霾逐渐把晚霞的余辉吞没了,顿时~,降下倾盆大雨。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》134) At dusk a beautiful sunset was gradually swallowed by dark clouds,and thenquite suddenly,we were plunged into darkness and a storm broke.
❍ 不是抢了清凉城,就是烧了东顾庄,折腾得~。(冯志《敌后武工队》58) If they were not looting Qingliang city,they would be putting Donggu Village to the torch,so that above and below it was dismal and gloomy.
❍ 卷起一阵黄砂来,罩的~,日色无光。(《水浒全传》681)Immediately a yellow cloud of dust arose,obliterating the sunlight and making the field quite dark.
❍ 你把个好好的家,弄得~,是为着啥呀? (王汶石《风雪之夜》72) You’ve turned this cosy nest into a shambles. And what’s it all for?/一个时期~,日月无光。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—442) For a time there was gloom above and darkness below,with the rays of the sun and the moon completely shut out.
❍ 不要为一时好似~而被吓倒。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—431) Don’t be scared stiff just because the sky appears overcast for the time being.

天昏地暗tiān hūn dì àn

天色暗淡,大地昏暗。比喻社会黑暗,政治腐败;也比喻社会混乱。dark all round, murky heavens over a dark earth





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