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单词 天机不可泄漏

天机不可泄漏tiān jī bù kě xiè lòu

heaven’s secrets mustn’t be divulged; a secret (/decree) from God may not be revealed to mortal ears; don’t say a word about it to a soul
❍ ~。只是我与婶娘好了一场,临别赠你两句话,须要记着!(《红楼梦》146)❶Heaven’s secrets mustn’t be divulged. But because of the love between us let me give you some parting advice,and do remember it,aunt!
❷That is a secret which may not be revealed to mortal ears. However for the sake of our brief friendship on this earth,I leave you these words as my parting gift.Be sure that you remember them well!/此乃天机,不可泄漏。(《水浒全传》1041)It’s a decree from Heaven and cannot be revealed.
❍ 这是扶乩扶出来的,~,不过给你们讲讲没有什么关系。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—212) It came on a medium’s planchette. The secrets of Providence should not really betold,but I don’t think it’ll do any harm to tell you.
❍ 不,我不说,宫里的事情是不能先说的,这天机不可泄露。(曹禺《王昭君》9) No,I won’t tell you yet.At court it’s foolish to speak prematurely. “ Thou shalt not divulge the secrets of Heaven.”





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