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单词 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福

天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福tiān yǒu bù cè fēng yún , rén yǒu dàn xī huò fú

fortune is as changeable as the weather; in nature there are unexpected storms and in life unpredictable vicissitudes; storms gather without warning and bad luck befalls men overnight;sudden storms spring up in nature,and the fortunes of men may change overnight;there are sudden changes in the weather and sudden changes in the affairs of men; the weather and human life are both unpre dictable; the winds and clouds in the sky are un fathomable,a man’s luck changes in an instant
❍ ~。下官杨国忠,自从妹子册立贵妃,权势日盛,不想今早,忽传贵妃忤旨,被谪出宫……(洪昇《长生殿》) Fortune is as changeable as the weather! Since my cousin wasmade an imperial concubine,our power has grown daily. Who could tell that this morning news would come that she has offended the emperor and been dismissed from the palace.
❍ 学生们怕考试,儿童们怕父母有偏爱,三灾八难,五痨七伤,发烧四十一度,以及“~”之类,不可胜数。(毛泽东《关于帝国主义和一切反动派是不是真老虎的问题》) Students are worried about their exams and children about their parents′ par tiality for their brothers or sisters. Besides there are numerous adversities and calamities,infirmities and diseases,running a fever of 41 degrees and other mishaps,as expressed in the saying,“In nature there are unexpected storms and in life unpredictable vicissitudes,”and so on and so forth.
❍ 宝钗听了,并不在意,便说道:“俗话说的好: ‘~’,这也是他们前生命定。……”(《红楼梦》865) “As the proverb says,” she replied.“‘Sudden storms spring up in nature,and the fortunes of men may change overnight,’ They can’t have been predestined to be husband and wife.…”/可也别太高兴了,~啊! 万一的,中间出了什么事由,不苦了? (梁斌《红旗谱》142) We’d better not count our chicks too soon. There are sudden changes in the weather and sudden changes in the affairs of men. If anything goes wrong now,what a come-down that will be!/ ‘~’。这点年纪,倘或因这病上有个长短,人生在世还有什么趣儿呢! (《红楼梦》128)❶Truely,‘Storms gather without warning in nature,and bad luck befalls men overnight.’ But life is hardly worth living if such an illness can carry off one so young!
❷‘I know“the weather and human life are both un predictable”’,she said at last,‘but she’s only a child still. If anything should happen to her as a result of this illness,I think all the fun would go out of life!’/王婆道: “都头却怎地这般说? ‘天有不测风云,人有暂时祸福。’ 谁保得长没事?” (《水浒全传》320) “Now,Constable,” interjected Mistress Wang,“don’t you know the saying: ‘The winds and clouds in the sky are unfathomable. A man’s luck changes in an instant’? Who can guarantee against misfortune?”

天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福tian you bu ce feng yun,ren you dan xi huo fu

in nature there are unexpected storms and in life unpredictable vicissitudes





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