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单词 天无绝人之路

天无绝人之路tiān wú jué rén zhī lù

Heaven never cuts off a man’s means; Heaven never seals off all the exits—there is always a way out; if the door is locked,somewhere there is a window; every cloud has a silver lining
❍ ~,你别为这件不幸的事而想不开。Don’t take such a misfortune to heart as Heaven never cuts off a man’s means.

天无绝人之路tian wu jue ren zhi lu

heaven never drives a man to the wall


heaven would not drive a man to the wall;heaven won’t fail a man when he is in desperate straits;heaven never cuts off a man’s means

天无绝人之路tiān wú jué rén zhī lù

形容人在绝望无援之际,出乎意料地得以解脱。there is always a wayout, man can always find a way out, Every day brings its bread with it.





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更新时间:2025/1/19 20:29:29