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单词 yellow
yellow/′jelə ʊ, AmE ′-loʊ/ adj [无comp]; n & v

adj (1)黄色的(of the colour yellow):the Y~River/Sea 黄河/黄海; a~book 黄皮书;~croaker 黄鱼;a~spot 黄斑;A~scarf would look nice with that dress.一条黄色围巾配那身衣服会很好看。〖同〗yellow-coloured,gold,yellow-orange,straw-coloured;

(2)黄肤色的(having yellowish skin):The Japanese and Chinese belong to the~race.日本人和中国人属于黄色人种。

(3)胆小的(cowardly)(infml)(derog):a~traitor/streak 怕死的叛徒/怯懦的性格;too~to fight 太怯懦不敢参战; If he didn't fight he was~.如果他不参战就是怕死。〖同〗cowardly,fainthearted;〖反〗brave,courageous,fearless,bold,daring;

(4)歪曲事实的;低极趣味的(distorting news on purpose):~press/journalism 黄色书刊/新闻;

n (1)黄色(colour of goldbutteretc)[CU]:a beautiful shade of~漂亮的黄色调;several different~s 几种不同的黄色;I admire the~s,pinks and reds of the roses.我欣赏各种黄色、粉色、红色的玫瑰花。Y~is his favourite colour. 黄色是他最喜欢的颜色。

(2)黄色(布料、衣服)(paintmaterialclothes in the colour of yellow)[U]:wear~穿黄色衣服;

v(使)变黄(make or become yellow)[IT+n]:It was autumn and the leaves are beginning to~.秋天到了,树叶开始变黄。Bleach keeps the white clothes from~ing.漂白剂使白色衣服不发黄。The books~ed with age/have been~ed by sunlight. 由于天长日久/阳光照射,书发黄了。~ing autumn leaves 渐渐变黄的秋叶;〖反〗whiten,brighten





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