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❶ (安放;摆设) lay out;put on display
❷ (叙说) state;explain: 此事当另函详 ~。 The matter will be explained in detail in a separate letter. Ⅱ (时间久的;旧的) old;stale: ~ 年老酒 old wine;
面包太 ~ 不能吃了。 The bread is too stale to eat. Ⅲ ❶ (朝代名,南朝之一) the Chen Dynasty (557 — 589),one of the Southern Dynasties
❷ (周朝国名) Chen,a state in the Zhou Dynasty
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 胜 Chen Sheng
◆陈兵 mass troops;deploy troops;
陈陈相因 follow an old routine;follow a set routine;keep on doing the same thing over and over again;persist in the old ways without any change or improvement;stick to the beaten track;stay in the same old groove;
陈词滥调 hackneyed and stereotyped expressions;hackneyed tunes and phrase;hoary platitude;banality;[法] clichés;陈醋 mature vinegar;
陈腐 old and decayed;stale;outworn;mouldiness;triteness;mustiness;
陈规 outmoded conventions;stereotyped;
陈规陋习 outdated [outmoded] conventions and bad customs;outworn [outmoded;outdated] customs and bad habits;outdated ways and regulations;stereotype and bad habits;
陈货 old stock;shopworn goods;
陈迹 a thing of the past;
陈酒 old wine;mellow wine;
陈旧 outmoded;obsolete;obsolescence;old-fashioned;out-of-date;
陈列 display;set out;exhibit;
陈年 (wine,etc.) of many years' standing;
陈酿 (使酒陈化) ageing;(陈酒) old wine;mellow wine;
陈皮 {中药} dried tangerine or orange peel;pericarpium citri reticulatae;
陈设 (摆设) display;set out;(摆设的东西) furnishings;
陈述 state;declare;allege;statement;
陈述句 {语} declarative sentence;
陈说 state;explain;
陈诉 state;recite;complaint





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