conj. whereas 虽然,然而,而,反之。
△Gent.3.1.74:“And where I thought the remnant of mine age /Should have been cherished by her child-like duty.”虽然我想我的余年本来可以由她承欢尽孝。
△Gent.3.2.64:“Where you may temper her by your persuasion / Tohate young Valentine and love my friend.”而你便可以靠你的说服力诱导她厌恶年轻的凡伦丁而爱我的这位朋友。
△Mer.4.1.22: “And where thou now exact'st thepenalty.”然而你现在所索求的那种惩罚…
△Lr.1.2.92(82): “where,if you violently proceed against him,mistaking his purpose,”而如果你误会了他的意图,便对他采取激烈手段。
△1H.VI.5.3.13: “O,hold me not withsilence over-long! / Where I was wont to feed youwith my blood,”啊,不要这样沉默不语地一直让我待着呀! 要知道我一向用我自己的血喂养你们。
△2H.VI.3.2.394:“Where,from thy sight,I should be raging mad.” 然而,不在你的眼前,我就会疯狂。
Phrases & Expressions:
where as: where在那里。
△2H.VI.1.2.58: “ Whereas the King and Queen do mean to hawk.”国王和王后想在那里放鹰打猎。
“Where is the life that late I led?”: fragment of anold ballad“我以往过的日子到哪里去了?”(一首古歌谣的片断)
△2H.IV.5.3.144(140):“‘Where is the life that lateI led?’ say they.” 大家说:“我以往过的日子到哪里去了?”
△Shr.4.1.143 (140): “Where is the life that late Iled? / Where are those —?”我以往过的日子到哪里去了?那些(人)到哪里去了?
where you are: what you are referring to,what youmean你说的是什么,你的意思是什么。
△As.5.2. 33 (29):“O,I know where you are.”啊,我知道你说的是什么。(又译:我知道你的意思。)
adv. 哪里
◇ where by 凭借
where in 其中
where of 关于
where with 用以
‖ Where disaster struck,help came from all sides.一方有难,八方支援。/where the people will inclines 民心所向
whereabouts n. 下落
whereas conj. 而,却
whereby adv.借此