释义 |
wheretoad. 1. to what end,to what 为什么目的,为了什么。 △Ham.3.3.46:“Whereto serves mercy / But to confront thevisage of offence?”上天慈悲如果不是用来照临罪恶的脸面,又有什么用处呢? 2. to which 到哪里。 △ Rom.1.2.20: “This night Ihold an old accustomed feast,/ Whereto I have invited many a guest.”今天晚上,我要按照旧例,举行一次宴会,邀请了许多客人。 △Mac.1.7.62: “Whereto the rather shall his day’s hard journey / Soundly invite him.” 他白天辛苦赶路自然更会邀他熟睡的。 3. to which 对之,与其。 △Tw.1.2.18 (20): “Wheretothy speech serves for authority.”你所说的话更可对之做个佐证。 △Ham.4.2.6: “Compounded it with dust,whereto ’tis kin. ”i.e. to which it is related. (Prayerin the burial service:“Dust to dust,earth to earth,ashes to ashes.”) 跟泥土搀到一起了,它和泥土本来是一家。 △ Lr.2.4.107 (106): “Infirmity doth still neglect alloffice / Whereto our health is bound;”疾病常使我们疏忽了在健康时应尽的责任。 △Lr.5.3.142 (141):“wheretoI speak,/ Thou liest.” i. e. to which; to your heart,Ispeak now,you lie. 我对它说的这话:你撒谎。 |