释义 |
whereforead. 1. for what,why为什么。 △As.2.1. 56:“Whereforedo you look / Upon that poor and broken bankruptthere?”你们为什么要回头看那个贫苦落魄的穷光蛋? △Ado.4.1.111(110):“Wherefore sink you down?”你为什么倒下去了? △Mid.2.2.123: “Wherefore was I to thiskeen mockery born?”我为什么生来要受这样尖刻的嘲笑呢? △Rom.2.2.33: “O Romeo,Romeo,wherefore artthou Romeo?”啊,罗米欧,罗米欧,为什么你偏偏是罗米欧呢? △Rom.2. 2. 62: “How camest thou hither,tell me,and wherefore?”你怎样来到此地的,告诉我,并且为什么? △Lr.2.4.113 (112): “Wherefore / Should he sithere?”他为什么坐在这里? △R.III.4.4.476 (475):“Un-less for that he comes to be your liege,/You cannotguess wherefore the Welshman comes.” (Welshman:i.e. Richmond,who was the grandson of Owen Tu-dor,a Welshman,and Katherine of Valois,widow of Henry V. )除非为了他来做你的君王,你就猜不透这个威尔士为什么要来了。 2. for what cause为了什么原因。 △Oth.2.3. 291 (288):“I remember a mass of things,but nothing distinctly;a quarrel,but nothing wherefore.”我记得一大堆事情,可是全都模模糊糊;吵过一架,但不记得为了什么。 3. for which cause or reason,for which因此,为此。 △H.V.4.7.7: “Besides,they have burned and car-ried away all that was in the King's tent; whereforethe King,most worthily,hath caused every soldier tocut his prisoner's throat.”此外,他们还把国王帐篷里的一切东西又烧又抢;因此国王才非常公正地下令叫每个士兵杀死他的俘虏。 △H.V.5.2.1:“Peace to this meeting,whereforewe are met!”(wherefore: for concluding peace)但愿和平降临这个会议,因为我们就是为了和平而来会谈的! △2H.VI.4.10.7(6): “Wherefore,on a brick wallhave I climbed into this garden,to see if I can eatgrass,or pick a sallet another while,”因此,我就从砖墙上爬进这个园子里,看看能不能吃些青草,再不然停一会儿拣一棵生菜。 △H.VIII.2.4.51 (53):“Wherefore I humbly / Be-seech you,sir,to spare me,”因此我谦卑地恳求陛下对我宽容一些。 |