释义 |
whereofad. 1. of what 由于什么.从什么。 △ Lr.1.4.314 (290):“Now,gods that we adore,whereof comes this?”呀,凭着我们敬奉的天神,这是为了什么? 2. of which 关于那个,从其中。 △H.V.2.2.179: “Thetaste whereof God of his mercy give / You patience toendure,”愿上帝慈悲,赐给你们耐心,去忍受死亡的滋味。 △ H.V.4.3.103: “The smell whereof shall breed aplague in France.”那腐尸的臭气将在法兰西引起一场瘟疫。 3. of which. among which 在其内,从其中。 △ Mer.1.2.33(30):“whereof who chooses his meaning choosesyou.”从这三个匣子中选出他意中的那一个,就选中了你。 4. by means of which,with which,because of which通过那个,以此,因此。 △Oth.1.3.336 (331): “whereof Itake this that you call love to be sect or scion.”因此我认为你所谓的爱情也不过就是这一类情欲的枝条。 Phrase: by means whereof: on which account 由于这个。 △ 2H.VI.3.1. 60: “And did he not. in hisprotectorship,/ Levy great sums of money throughthe realm / For soldiers’ pay in France. and neversent it,/ By means whereof the towns each day revolt-ed?”在他担任摄政王时,他不是借口为在法国的英国士兵发饷而在全国征收了巨额款项,而饷根本没有发,却因此每天都引起一些城市叛乱吗? △2H.VI.3.1.105:“And being Protector.stayed the soldiers’ pay,/ By means whereof his High-ness hath lost France.”你作为摄政王,扣住士兵的饷银,陛下因此丧失了法兰西。 |