ad. from what place,from where 从什么地方.从哪里。
△Wiv.4.5.108 (104):“whence come you?”i.e. Where do you come from? 你从哪里来?
△Rom. 3.3.77 (78): “ Whence come you?”你是从什么地方来的?
△Mac.2.2.58 (54):“Whence is that knocking?”哪里来的敲门声?
conj. from the place where,from where.from which place 从那…的地方,从那个地方。
△1H.IV.1.3. 151:“From whence he,intercepted,did return /To be deposed,and shortly murdered.”他从那里归来中途受到拦截,王位被废,随后就被害死了。
△2H.VI.2.1.158(155): “Let them be whipped through every markettown. / Till they come to Berwick,from whence theycame.”押送他们回到他们的家乡贝里克,每经过一个市镇就鞭打他们一顿。
△ Mac.1.2.25:“As whence the sun gins hisreflection / Shipwracking storms and direful thundersbreak.”就像从太阳开始照射的东方,翻船的风暴、吓人的雷电迸发了。
△Mac.1.2.27:“So from that spring whencecomfort seemed to come / Discomfort swells.”同样,从安逸似乎就要来临的源头竟涌出了不安。