❶sacrifice oneself;die a martyr’s death;lay down one’s life
❷give up;do sth at the expense of
发达国家不能~发展中国家来谋求自己的发展。The developed countries must not seek their own growth at the expense of the developing countries./为有~多壮志,敢教日月换新天。(毛泽东诗 《到韶山》) Bitter sacrifice strengthens bold resolve,Which dares to make sun and moon shine in new skies.(Mao Zedong’s poem Shaoshan Revisited)/不怕~fear no sacrifice/不怕一切~at all costs;make all sacrifices/不惜~个人的一切be ready to make any personal sacrifice/不惜作出最大的民族~ not flinch from (or not hesitate to make) the greatest national sacrifice/流血~shed one’s blood or lay down one’s life/为国~ lay down one’s life for the nation (or country)/为了搞“台独”而不惜~台湾民众的身家性命push for “Taiwan independence”at the expense of the lives and property of the Taiwan people/英勇~die a heroic (or martyr’s) death/自我~精神selfless spirit;spirit of self-sacrifice/~别人,保全自己save oneself at the expense of others/~休息时间give up one’s spare time/~质量去追求数量sacrifice quality for quantity