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单词 foul


1.not attractive,homely,ugly不好看的,不漂亮的,丑陋的。
△As.3.3.37(35):“to cast away honesty upon afoul slut were to put good meat into an unclean dish.”把贞洁丟给一个丑陋的懒婆娘,简直是把一块好肉放在一个脏盘子里。
△As.3.5.62:“Foul is most foul,being foul tobe a scoffer.”i.e.The ugly person is most ugly when,though ugly,he is a scoffer,自己生得丑,还要看不起别人,那才是其丑无比。
△Shr.1.2.69:“Be she as foul as wasFlorentius’ love,”哪怕她丑陋如弗洛仑特的爱人。
△Oth. 2.1.139:“What miserable praise hast thou for her that’sfoul and foolish?”对于又丑又蠢的女人你也能勉强赞美她吗?
△Oth.2.1.141:“There’s none so foul and foolishthereunto,/ But does foul pranks which fair and wiseones do.”不管一个女人多么丑而又多么傻,照样会玩美人才女的丑戏法。
△1H.IV.5.1.8:“For nothing can seemfoul to those that win.”因为对于胜利者来说,没有什么东西看来是不美的。
△H.VIII.2.4.40 (42): “and let the foul'st(= foulest) contempt / Shut door upon me,”以最丑恶的鄙视把我关在门外。
△H.VIII.3.2.300 (299): “Those articles,my lord,are in the King’s hand;/But thus much,they are foul ones.” i.e. But this much I can say,they are ugly ones.大人,那些罪状都在国王手里:不过我可以透露这么一点:它们都是很丑恶的。
2. dirty,filthy肮脏的,污秽的。
△Ado.3.1.64:“Made a foul blot;”涂上一团肮脏的墨渍。
△Oth.4.2.17(18):“the purest of their wives / Is foul as slander.”最纯洁的妻子也只是像造谣诽谤一般肮脏。
△Oth.5.2.198 (200):“O,she was foul!”啊,她是肮脏的!
3. cloudy,black,dark阴暗的,黑的,黑暗的。
△Ham.32.88 (83):“And my imaginations are as foul / As Vulcan’s stithy ” black as Vulcan’s workshop.我的想像就是像乌尔干的作坊一样乌七八糟了。
△H.V.4 Cho. 4:“From camp to camp,through the foul womb of night,”从这方的营帐到那方的营帐,在漆黑的深夜之中。
4. muddy泥泞的。
△Shr.4.1.69 (67):“a foul hill.”一个泥泞的山坡。
5. odious,corrupted臭的,腐烂的。
△Ado.4.1.145(143):“her foul tainted flesh!”她那腐臭、肮脏的肉体!6. in bad condition糟糕的。
△Rom.1.5.4(3):“When good manners shall lie all in one or two men’s hands, and they unwashed too. ’tis a foul thing.”一切讲究规矩的事都落在一两个人的手里,叫他们连洗手的工夫都没有,这真是糟糕!
7. bad严重的。
△Tw.2.3.203 (184):“I am a foul way out.”我可要大大破产了。
8. unsound,sick不健康的,有病的。
△2H.IV.3.1.38:“Then you perceive the body of our kingdom / How foul it is,”那么你们可以看出我们国家的躯体是怎样出了毛病。
9. (term from jewellery) valueless,worthless无价值的。
△R.III.5.3.251 (250):“A base foul stone,”一块低劣、无价值的石头。
10. unlucky,unfavourable不幸的,不祥的。
△Gent.2.2.11:“some foul mischance / Torment me for my love’s forgetfulness!”让不幸的灾祸来惩罚我的薄情吧!
△H.V.3.2.152 (136):“A! that’s a foul fault.”唉! 那可是不幸的错误。
△3H.VI.3.3.214: “Renowned prince,how shall poor Henry live,/ Unless thou rescue him from foul despair?”名声赫赫的君主,除非你把他从不幸的绝望中救出来,可怜的亨利又怎么活呀?
11. dangerous危险的。
△Oth.2.1.33:“for they were parted / With foul and violent tempest.”因为他们是被险恶而激烈的风暴冲散的。
12. rough,stormy粗暴的,狂暴的。
△2H.VI.3.2.328:“All the foul terrors in dark-seated hell—”还有在黑暗地狱中的一切狂暴的恐怖。
△3H.VI.2.1.64: “And after many scorns. many foul taunts,/ They took his head,”在对他表示了许多轻蔑、进行了许多粗暴的嘲骂之后,他们取下了他的首级。
13. shameful,disgraceful可耻的,不光彩的。
△Oth.2.3.211 (209):“Give me to know / How this foul rout began;”告诉我,这一场可耻的骚乱是怎样起来的。
△Oth.4.1212 (201): “O,’tis foul in her.” 她也太丢脸了。
△2H.IV.3.1.76: “The time will come,that foul sin,gathering head,/ Shall break into corruption.”那一天总会到来,可耻的罪恶,达到了顶点,就要全盘腐烂。
△2H.VI.3.2.115:“The agent of thy foul inconstancy,”他是你可耻的虚情假意的工具。
14. wicked,criminal,guilty 邪恶的,罪恶的,有罪的。
△Rom.5.3.198:“Search,seek,and know how this foul murder comes.”搜查,寻找,调查这件凶恶的谋杀是怎么发生的。
△Ham. 1.2.256:“Foul deeds will rise,”罪恶的行为总会败露。
△ Ham. 5. 2. 331 (317): “The foul practice / Hath turned itself on me.”这罪恶的阴谋已经回转来害了我自己。
△Oth. 1.2.73: “That thou hast practised on her with foul charms,”你对她阴谋地使用了邪恶的符咒。
△Oth.1.3. 117:“If you do find me foul in her report,” 假如你们根据她的报告发现我是邪恶的。
△Mac.4.3. 23:“Though all things foul would wearthe brows of grace,/ Yet grace must still look so.”i.e. Though all wicked things should put on the lookof grace,yet grace cannot help appearing gracious.虽然邪恶的东西总要扮出仁慈的面孔,仁慈总还是显出仁慈。
△3H.VI.4.7.14: “By fair or foul means we must enter in. ”不管用好的或歹的办法,我们一定要进去。
△R.III1.3.183(182):“O,’twas the foulest deed to slay that babe (i.e. Rutland,killed at 17),/ And the most merciless,that e’er was heard of!”啊,杀死那个小孩子真是极大的罪行,而且也是闻所未闻的残酷无情!
△R.III.4.4120:“Think that thy babes were sweeter than they were,/ And he that slew them fouler than he is.”要把你的小孩子们想得比他们实际上更可爱,而把那个杀死他们的人想得比实际上更凶恶。
15.❶ foul-mouthed,abusive 口出恶言的,谩骂的。
❷dirty of a pistol barrel,i.e. from firing(火枪由于发射而使枪膛内)污染的。
△H.V.2.1. 59 (56): “If you grow foul with me. Pistol,I will scour you with my rapier,”如果你敢对我出口带脏字儿,皮司多,我就拿我这把剑当通条,把你清扫干净。
16. ❶harsh,rough. grossly abusive刺耳的,粗暴的,恶骂的。
△Ado.5.2.52 (50):“Only foul words”,只有恶骂
❷ dirty,filthy污秽的,不洁的
△Ado.5.2.54 (52):“Foul words is but foul wind,and foul wind is but foul breath:”恶骂是不干净的风,不干净的风是令人恶心的气息。
foul and fair: changeable,alternating stormy gusts and sunshine变幻不定的,时而狂风暴雨时而阳光明媚的。
△Mac.1.3.38: “So foul and fair a day I have not seen.” (The changeable weather suggests Macbeth's mental uncertainty,and the forces now warring for supremacy in his life.)这样又阴郁又清朗的天气我从来没有看见过。
foul play: ❶unfair dealing,treachery欺诈行为,背信弃义。
△L.L.L.5.2.764 (756): “Played foul play with our oaths.” 背弃了我们的誓言。
△Ham.1.2.255: “Idoubt some foul play.” 我怀疑这里面有奸诈行为。
△Lr.3.7.31:“Do me no foul play,friends.”不要害我,朋友们。
❸criminal proceeding罪恶行动。
△1H.IV. 3.2. 169:“As ever offered foul play in astate.”正如国内的叛乱行动历来所纠集的。
foul ways: muddy and rutted roads坏路,泥泞而崎岖的路。
△Shr.4.1.1:“Fie,fie,on all tired jades,on all mad masters,and all foul ways!”该死,真该死,这些疲惫的马,这些疯狂的主人,这些泥泞的路!
in foul way: on muddy roads, difficulty,in trouble在泥泞的道路上,(转义)在困难之中,遇到了麻烦。
△1H.IV. 2.1.93 (83): “Will she hold out water infoul way?” i.e. Will she protect you when you are introuble?遇上泥泞的道路,这双靴子不透水吧? (双关:等你遇到了麻烦,国家会保护你吗?)


1. shamefully 可耻地。
△R.III. 3.2.43:“I’ll have thiscrown of mine cut from my shoulders / Before I’ll seethe crown so foul misplaced.”我宁愿让我的头被人从我这肩膀上砍掉,也不愿看见王冠被人可耻地戴错了头。
2. wickedly 邪恶地。
△3H.VI. 5.1.97:“To plague theefor thy foul misleading me.”为了你邪恶地把我引入歧途而惩罚你。


adj. 肮脏的,污秽 (浊) 的,邪 (丑)恶的,恶劣的,恶劣的,不利的,犯规的,碰撞的/ n. 犯规 adv.不正当的,违法地/ v. 弄脏,碰撞,阻碍,犯规,罚球
◇ by fair means or foul 不择手段
fall foul of=go (run) foul of 同…相撞,与…冲突
foul a plate with 和…共餐
foul one’s nest 做错事带来耻辱
foul out 被罚下场
foul up搞糟,弄乱,做错(坏)
‖ foul attack 进攻队员犯规
foul-baiting tactics诱使对方犯规的战术
foul ball 界外球
foul bill of lading 不洁提单
foul blow 犯规拳
foul bunt 界外触击球
foul defence 防守犯规
foul fly 界外腾空球
foul ground 界外场地
foul hit 击球犯规
foul hit ball 界外击球
foul in special situation 特殊情况下的犯规
foul judge(观察是否越过限制线犯规的)裁判员
foul lane 三秒区
foul language 下流话
foul line 出界线,边线,罚球线
foul marker 犯规指示旗
foul play 犯规,不公平的比赛
foul pole 边线末端旗杆
foul-proof cup 护挡
Foul Raid 罪恶的袭击(1417年)/foul riding 犯规骑乘
foul seduction 犯规战术
foul serving 发球犯规
foul shot 罚球,中篮不算
foul strike 判作一击的界外球和界外擦棒球
foul stroke 击球犯规
foul tackle from behind 背后抢截犯规
foul territory 界外场地
foul throw 掷界外球
foul tip 擦棒球
foul touch 击中无效部位
foul weather风暴天气
foul with free throw award 造成罚球的犯规
foul without flee throw award 造成掷界外球的犯规
fouled-out adj.(被)取消比赛资格的
foully adv.foul-up n. 差错





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