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单词 pure
pure/pjʊ ə(r), AmE pjʊr/ adj [-r /rə(r)/, -st /rɪst/]

(1) 1)纯的,无杂质的 (not mixed with any other substance):~silver/gold/wool/cotton/silk 纯银/金/羊毛/棉/丝;~white 纯白色;〖同〗unmixed, neat; 〖反〗impure, mixed; 2)纯净的,无尘(菌,有害物质)的 (clean; without dirt dust bacteria or any harmful matter):~oxygen/water 纯净氧/水;The air by the sea is~and healthy. 海边的空气纯净, 有益于健康。〖同〗clean, fresh, unpolluted, healthful; 〖反〗unclean, dirty, polluted, mixed; 3)纯种的 (of unmixed race):~blood 纯的血统;a~black/white 一个纯黑/白种人;That is a~Persian cat/Arab horse. 那是一只纯种波斯猫/阿拉伯马。These animals were bred from~stock. 这些动物的血统很纯。〖同〗unmixed; 〖反〗impure, mixed;

(2)纯洁(贞节)的,无邪念的 (free from evil or sin; without sexual thoughts or experience):~thoughts 纯洁的思想;~in heart/thought/body and mind 心地/思想/身心纯洁;She was a~and wholesome girl. 她是个纯真无邪的姑娘。(as)~as the driven snow 纯洁无瑕;〖同〗innocent,moral; 〖反〗impure, guilty, immoral;

(3)纯粹的,单纯的,完全的 (mere; nothing but; complete and total) [无comp][作 attrib]:~arrogance/folly/ignorance/nonsense 纯粹的妄自尊大/愚昧/无知/胡说八道;~coincidence 纯属巧合;come on an idea/meet by~chance 纯粹是偶然想起一个主意/碰见;do sth out of~kindness/malice/mischief 纯粹出于好意/恶意/恶作剧而做某事;It was~luck/chance that he was home when we called. 我们打电话时他在家纯属运气/偶然。He shut his eyes in~bliss. 他非常幸福地闭上了眼睛。〖同〗absolute,complete,utter,thorough;

(4)(指声音)清亮的,圆润的 ((of sound) very clear and pleasant to hear): a~note/voice 一个清亮的音符/声音;The singer's voice remained~and clear throughout the evening. 歌手的嗓音在整个晚上一直圆润清亮。

(5)(concerned only with theory and not with how the theory can be used in practical ways) [无comp][作attrib](fml)纯理论的:~and applied sciences 理论科学和应用科学;~academic research/art/mathematics 纯学术研究/纯艺术/理论数学;〖同〗theoretical; 〖反〗applied, practical;

pure and simple 纯粹的,完全是: The problem,~and simple, is finding a baby-sitter. 问题只不过是找一个照看孩子的人而已。

→′purely adv 完全是,纯然地;′pureness n 纯净(正,粹);͵purifi′cation n 净化;′purify vt 使纯净(净化);′purist n 语言纯正癖者;′purity n 纯净(正,粹);′pure-bred adj 纯种的;n 纯种





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