释义 |
sidesn. (pl.) 1. sides of the body,i.e. frame of the body人体的两侧边,(指)身架。 △Mid.3.2.207: “As if our hands,oursides,voices,and minds / Had been incorporate.”好像我们的手,我们的身子,声音与心灵,都是连在一起不可分的。 2. sides of the body,i.e. breast人体的两侧边,(指)胸部。 △Lr.2.4.200 (197): “O sides. you are too tough! /Will you yet hold?”啊,胸膛,你太结实了! 你还不会胀破吗? 3. sides of the body,i.e. the breast as containing the heart and lungs人体的两侧边,(指)胸部(包括心肺)。 △Tw.2.4.95 (93):“woman's sides”. 女人的心胸。 4.sides of the body,i.e. stomachs人体的两侧边,(指)肚子。 △Lr.3.4.30: “your houseless heads and unfedsides,”你们上无片瓦的脑袋,粒米皆无的肚皮。 |