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单词 side


1. side in a game比赛的一方;赛局,把戏。
△Lr.5.1.61:“And hardly shall I carry out my side,/Her husbandbeing alive.”她(高纳里尔)的丈夫还活着,我也很难成就我的好事。
2. direction方向。
△Rom.1.4.104(103):“Turning hisside to the dew-dropping south.”转身(双关:调转方向)奔向雨露繁多的南方。
3. border,bound. limit 边界,界限。
△H.VIII.1.2.27:“yea. such which breaks / The sides of loyalty.”是的,那些话已经打破了忠心的界限。
each side: each side of …的各一边。
△H.VIII.4.1.36.s.d:“On each side her,the BISHOPS OF LONDONand WINCHESTER.”伦敦主教和温彻斯特主教分立在她的两旁。
turn the wrong side out: (lit.) turn the garment in-side out; treat the wrong side as the right side,reversethings把衣服里子翻到外面;把错的一面当成对的一面,把事情弄颠倒。
△Lr.4.2.6:“Of Gloucester's treachery,/Andof the loyal service of his son. / When I informedhim,then he called me sot. / And told me I hadturned the wrong side out.”我告诉他葛罗斯特的奸谋,以及他儿子的忠心效劳,他却骂我是傻瓜,说我颠倒了正反是非。


a. side sleeves: wide and loose sleeves hanging openfrom the shoulder for ornament(披在肩上作为装饰的)宽松侧袖。
△Ado.3.4.20:“down sleeves,side sleeves,”窄袖到腕,宽袖披肩。


◇a fault on the right side因祸得福
at the side of位于…旁边,与…比较
err on the side of sth.过分表现其品质
hold one’s sides with laughter捧腹大笑let the side down不帮助,不支持同事
on all sides =on every side=on all hands到处,四面八方,各个方面
on one’s side在某人一边
on the large side太大
on the right side of未到…年龄
on the wrong side of已经过…岁
the other side of the coin事情的另一面
this side of在…以前,在…以下,不超过
‖ side airspring侧空翻
side anchor侧锚
side arm delivery体侧投球
side arm pass侧臂传球,体侧传球
side arm release肩侧投出,体侧投出
side arm service侧面发球
side arm shot侧手射门,体侧射门
side arm stroke侧手击球,体侧击球
side arm throw体侧传球
side arms随身武器
side at bat攻方,击球的一方
side attack侧面攻击
side balance侧平衡
side beam侧梁
side bend侧举,体侧屈
side bender体侧屈动作
side bender on buck山羊侧起坐
side bird扯旗
side-block tackle侧面阻截
side blow侧面攻击
side board边线界墙,侧挡板
side boundary line边线
side brake侧制动器
side breathing侧面呼吸
side bumper边档
side by side平行站位,双手并肩战术
side by side formation并肩队形
side-by-side shotgun并立携手姿势side-by-side spiral并立环绕
side by side teamwork双方并肩战术的配合
side-by-side trading联手交易
side-by-side two seater并排双座飞机
side-car racing单轮侧车赛
side cartwheel侧手翻
side chamber边音室
side chancery and cross buttock握臂夹颈别
side chest shot侧胸大肌造型
side chest侧展胸大肌
side coach场外指导
side coaching场外指导
side collateral不足额担保品
side conditions附加条件
side-cover defence边跟进防守
side crawling侧体爬行
side crossover step侧交叉步
side direction侧向
side dive侧鱼跃
side door侧门
side door trade临时买票入场的观众
side drum小鼓
side edge of table球台边线
side effect副作用
side elevation侧视图
side elevation drawing侧视图
side error侧误差
side flank jump侧腾越
side flip侧空翻
side fund辅助基金
side glide侧滑
side-hand service体侧发球
side handstand横手倒立
side-hand stroke体侧击球
side-hang frontways正悬垂
side headwind侧逆风
side hill lie停在球穴侧坡上的球side hook侧钩,扣鞋钩
side horizontal lever侧水平
side horse鞍马
side horse vaulting鞍马
side in换发球
side-in-side bend负铃体侧屈
side issue枝节问题
side kick侧踢腿,踢挡球
side-knee twist屈膝绕环
side lantern舷灯
side layout侧卧展体
side leading wind侧顺风
side leaning rest侧卧撑
side leaning support侧卧撑
side-leg lift侧抬腿
side-leg raise侧举腿
side lever侧水平
side lift侧起球
side line副业,边线
sideline ball边线球
sideline buddy play靠近边线双人默契配合
sideline coaching场外指导
sideline cut由边线切入
sideline for double双打边线
sideline for singles单打边线
sideline judge边线裁判员
sideline shot边线球
side-loaded posture平步式
side looking radar侧视雷达
side lying侧卧
side marker标志带
side oblique air photograph空中倾斜摄影
side out换发球
side overarm侧泳
side overhand service侧面上手发球
side panels女子体操服的样式
side pass侧传,沿边线打过去的球
side player副攻手,边锋,边线队员
side position侧位
side press腰侧屈单臂推举
side product副产品
side quiver携带式箭筒
side radiation侧面辐射
side raise侧举壶铃
side rake侧前角
side reaction副反应
side referee两侧裁判员,边裁判员
side roll侧滚动
side-roll from half nelson肩下压颈翻
side room球场边线外的空地
side running侧身跑
side saddle偏鞍
side scale侧平衡
side scores ten points一方得十分
side screen侧掩护
side seat侧骑坐
side shot侧臂射门,体侧射门
side show余兴表演,穿插表演
side slide侧滑(步)/side slip横滑,侧滑
side slipping横滑
sidespin service发侧旋球
sidespin shop shot削侧旋球
side somersault侧空翻
side spin侧旋球side split纵劈叉
side stand rearways后正立
side standing in pairs并肩站立,双人侧立
side start侧起跑,横向起跑
side step横跨步,变向侧跑,侧步
side step ascent梯形上坡
side stepping向旁闪躲,梯形上坡
side-stepping dribble侧跨步运球
side-straddle hop单足向侧跨步跳
side stop场边挡网,场边围栏,侧跨步
side stride侧面助跑,斜向助跑
side-straddle jump分腿跳
side-straddle seat分腿骑坐
side striking侧击
side stroke侧泳
side-support frontways正撑
side-support rearways后撑
side tackle侧方截球
side tank船舷侧舱
side throw体侧传球
side title幻灯字幕
side tone侧音
side-to-side dribble左右拨球
side-to-side movement侧向摆动
side underhand service侧面下手发球,体侧下手发球
side vault侧腾越
side vault dismount支撑后摆侧下
side view侧景,侧视图
sidewalk artist路边肖像画家
sidewalk snack booth大排档
side wall池壁
sideward airspring侧空翻
sideward roll侧滚翻
sideward stance侧体向前站立
side wave正弦波音
sideways leap向一侧跳起
sideways lunge侧弓箭步
sideways position体侧向器械
sideways stance侧面部位
sideways step侧身步
sideways thrust侧停
sideways volley双手上手侧传
the other side of the coin事情的另一面
sidebar[ˈsaidbɑ:(r)]n. 花絮新闻
sidebums n. 鬓角
sidelight n. 侧灯,杂闻
sidelight n.花边新闻,侧记(pl.)广角镜
sideline n.跑道侧方,副业
sideliner n.暂停交易的人
sideman n.伴奏者
sideshow n.杂耍,穿插表演
sidesplitter n.令人捧腹的笑话,非常滑稽的故事
sidetitle n.说明字幕,幻灯字幕
sidewalk n.人行道
sideways adv.侧面地
sidewind n.侧风





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