释义 |
Sicils:i. e. the two Sicilies,i. e. Naples and Sicily 两个西西里王国,(指意大利的)那不勒斯和西西里。 △3H. vi. 1.4.121: “Thy father bears the type of King of Naples,/Of both the Sicils and Jerusalem,/ Yet not so wealth-y as an English yeoman.”你的父亲戴着那不勒斯国王的头衔,除了那不勒斯和西西里还拥有耶路撒冷,然而还没有一个英国自耕农富裕。 △3H.VI.5.7.38: “Reignier,her father,to the King of France / Hath pawned the Sicils andJerusalem,/And hither have they sent it for her ran-som.”(it: the money thus borrowed)她的父亲瑞尼埃已经把西西里和耶路撒冷抵押给法兰西国王,并且把借来的这笔钱作为她的赎金。 |