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单词 sick


sick tune: voice of a sick person一副病人的腔调。
△Ado.3.4.41: “Why,how now? Do you speak inthe sick tune?”嗳,怎么了? 你说话的腔调像是生病了?
2.ill.spiritually or morally ailing,corrupt有病的,精神上或道德上生病的,腐败的。
△H.VIII.2.2.83 (82): “Iwould not be so sick (i.e.sick with pride) though forhis place.”i.e.I would not be sick with such prideeven I had his position. 我即使有他那样的地位,也不会像他那样目中无人。
3. weak,unsound虚弱的,不健全的。
△H.V.2.4.21:“Therefore,I say,'tis meet we all go forth / To viewthe sick and feeble parts of France;”所以,我说,我们大家应当出发去视察法国的那些防备薄弱之处。
4. love-sick害相思病的。
△Oth.2.3.54 (51):“Now,my sick fool Roderigo. / Whom love hath turned al-most the wrong side out.”至于那害相思病的傻瓜罗德利哥,已经被爱情搅得神魂颠倒。
5. pale灰白的,暗淡的。
△Rom.2.2.8:“Her vestal liv-ery is but sick and green,” i.e.The dress worn byDiana's devotees is sickly green in colour. 她那贞女的袍服是惨绿的颜色。(按:一说sick and green指the green-sickness,一种贫血症“萎黄病”。)
6. envious妒忌的。
△H.VIII.1.2.82: “sick interpret-ers.”妒忌的批评者。
7. unhappy 不愉快的。
△H.VIII.5.5.74 (5.4.73):“You must all see the Queen,and she mustthank ye,/ She will be sick else.”你们一定都得去见见王后,她也要向你们表示感谢,否则她会不高兴的。
8. oppressed with faintness颓丧的。
△Ham.1.1.9:“And I am sick at heart.”我心里也怪难受的。
9. disturbed,distracted 被扰乱的,心烦意乱的。
△2H.IV.4.5.132(133): “O my poor kingdom,sick with civilblows!”啊,我的可怜的王国,被内战搅得不得安宁!
△Lr.1.2.133(119):“when we are sick in fortune”,当我们遇到了命运不好。
10. distressing使人痛苦的,令人悲痛的。
△H.VIII.3.1.117(118):“Put my sick cause into his hands that hatesme?”把我这个令人悲痛的案子交到一个恨我的人手里?
△1H.IV.4.3.57:“Sick inthe world's regard,”在世人的眼光中是被看不起的。
12. longing渴望的。
△2H.IV.5.3.137(135):“I knowthe young king is sick for me.”我知道年青的国王也正想念我呢。


vi. sicken. fall ill生病。
△2H.IV.4.4.128:“Thatour great-grandsire. Edward,sicked and died.”我们的曾祖父爱德华生病去世。


adj.有病的,厌恶的,有故障的 v.有故障,效率低
◇ be sick for思念
sick as a parrot憎恶的
sick at heart感到不快
sicken of生病
sick to one’s stomach厌恶的
take sick生病
‖ building sick syndrome大楼空调综合征
sick aircraft有故障的飞机
sick berth船上诊所
sick call就诊伤员集合
sick economy萧条的经济
sick leave病假
sick market萧条的市场
sick officer’s quarters军官病房
sick parade病号
sick pay病假工资
sick personnel病号
sick quarters病房
sickee n.精神病患者,道德败坏者
sicken v. 患病,使嫌恶
sicker n. 住院病人
sickly adj. sicklily adv.sickliness n. sickliness rate疾病率
sickness n.病
sickness benefit生病津贴
sickness benefit疾病福利





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