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❶ (坚硬) hard; stiff; tough: ~ 领 stiff collar; ~ 煤 hard coal; 那牛排 ~ 得他没法吃。 The steak was so tough that he couldn't eat it. 这东西太 ~, 我无法用手把它弯过来。 This is too stiff, I can't bend it with my hands.
❷ (刚强; 坚定; 强硬) strong; firm; tough; obstinate: 话说得 ~ express oneself in strong terms; 心肠 ~ hardhearted; ~ 不承认错误 obstinately refuse to admit one's error; 不让他去, 他 ~ 要去。 He was not expected to go, but he insisted on going. 你如果不对他 ~ 点, 他是决不会把钱付清的。 He'll never pay up unless you get tough with him. 他的心肠一定很 ~。 His heart must be very hard. ~ 的不行来软的。 When hard tactics failed, soft methods were used.
❸ (勉强) manage to do sth. with difficulty: ~ 搬别人的经验 copy other people's experience mechanically; ~ 撑着干 force oneself to work hard; ~ 充好汉 act the hero; ~ 压住心头怒火 choke down one's anger
❹ (能力强;质量好) able (person); good (quality): 货色 ~ goods of high quality; ~ 手 a good hand; 后门 ~ backdoorism supported by superior relations or connections; well-connected; 在里根时代, 一些关系 ~ 的共和党人在这个机构中都受到了优待。 In the Reagan era, well-connected Republicans received favoured treatment in this organization.
◆硬邦邦 very hard; very stiff; 硬棒 [方] strong; hale and hearty; sturdy; 硬币 coin; specie; hard currency; 硬度 hardness; solidity; scirrhosity; 硬钢 {冶} hard steel; 硬膏 plaster; 硬功夫 great proficiency; masterly skill; 硬骨头 hard bone; a dauntless, unyielding person; a man of iron; 硬汉 a dauntless, unyielding man; a man of iron; steel-willed man; 硬化 harden; stiffen; stiffening; indurascent; ossification; cure; curing; {医} sclerosis; hardening; 硬货币 hard currency; 硬件 hardware; 硬结 indurate; harden; {医} induration; scleroma; hardening; 硬朗 [口] hale and hearty; 硬(鬃)毛 seti; 硬煤 strong coal; hard coal; hards; anthracite; 硬模 {机} die; 硬木 {材} hardwood; 硬盘 {计} hard disk; 硬碰硬 confront the tough with toughness; diamond cut diamond; demanding solid, painstaking work or real skill; 硬皮 scleroderm; sclerodermite; sheath; barky; 硬壳 {地质} duricrust; {动} shell; 硬设备 hardware; hard machine; 硬是 [方] actually; really; just; simply; 硬说 stubbornly insist; assert; allege; 硬挺 endure with all one's will; hold out with all one's might; rigid; stiff; 硬通货 hard currency; 硬卧 tourist car; tourist coach; 硬席 hard seats (on a train); 硬性 hardness; rigid; stiff; inflexible; 硬叶 sclerophyll; 硬仗 tough battle; formidable task; 硬脂 {化} tristearin; stearin; 硬脂酸 stearic acid; n-octadecanoic acid; octadecanoic acid; 硬质 stereoplasm; 硬质合金 hard metal; carbide; cemented carbide; kentanium; wimet; sintered-carbide; hard alloy; carbide alloy; 硬质塑料 {化} rigid plastics


❷strong;firm rigid
❸manage to do sth with difficulty
不够~not tough enough/坚~solid/僵~rigid;inflexible;stiff/欺软怕~bully the weak and fear the strong/货色~goods of high quality/牌子~trademark of high standing;prestigious trademark/~充内行deck oneself out as an expert/~着陆hard landing/~约束tight restrictions/~功夫masterly skill





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