释义 |
sickenvt. weaken,impair,impoverish削弱,减少,使穷困 △ H.VIII.1.1.80:“I do know / Kinsmen of mine,three at the least,that have / By this so sickenedtheir estates,”我知道我的亲戚当中至少就有三位,因此大大削减了他们的产业。 ~ vi. 1. grow sick,fall ill生病,害病。 △As.3.2.24 (23):“the more one sickens the worse at ease he is;”一个人越是害病,他就越不舒服。 2. be nauseated (with surfeit) (因过度而)厌恶。 △Mac.4.1.60:“Even till destruction sicken;”i.e. Even un-til destruction becomes tired of its work of destro-ying. 直到毁灭都觉得厌倦了。 |