释义 |
anprep. on在…上。 △Ham. 3. 4. 120 (121): “Yourbedded hair,like life in excrements,/ Start up andstand an end.”你一头平躺的发丝,像熟睡的兵士听到了警号,忽然醒了,都一根根直竖起来。 △R.Ⅲ.1.3. 304 (303):“Myhair doth stand an end to hear her curses.”听她诅咒,我一直毛发直竖。 an end: on end直竖。 △Ham.1.5.19:“And eachparticular hair to stand an end,”(Great fright is saidto make one’s hair stand on end.)使你一根根的头发直立。 △2H.Ⅵ.3.2.318: “Mine hair be fixed an end,asone distract;”我会毛发直竖,像疯子一样。 2. on. i.e.of …的。 an’t: of it它的… △Lr.1.4.168 (153): “if I had amonopoly out,they would have part an’t.”如果我得了傻子专利权,他们就要来分走其中的一份。
anconj. 1. if如果,假如,要是。 △Tw.1.5.34 (32): “Wit,an’tbe thy will,put me into good fooling!” (Feste praysthat wit may come to him in his need;for his ladymay be angry with him,and only quick,clever an-swers will appease her.)机智呀,假如你愿意,教我好好地装一下傻瓜! (小丑见女主人到来,可能对他生气,因而祈求机智帮他过这一关。) △Shr.Ind. 1. 77:“An it please your hon-our,”假如老爷高兴的话。 △Shr.1.1.79:“an she knewwhy.” 如果她机灵的话。 △L.L.L. 2.1.196 (198):“Awoman sometimes,an you saw her in the light.”如果你在白昼看见她,她有时候是女人。 an’t please:if it please如果…愿意,请…原谅。 △H.V.4.7.96(92):“Your grandfather of famous memory,an’t please your Majesty,and your great-uncleEdward the Black Prince of Wales,”你那赫赫有名的祖父(应为:曾祖父),请陛下原谅,还有你那叔祖威尔斯黑太子爱德华。an’t: if it假如。 △2H.Ⅵ.1.3.18(16):“Mine is,an’tplease your Grace,against John Goodman,my LordCardinal’s man,”殿下容禀,我的状子是告红衣主教大人的随从约翰·古德曼的。 2. even if纵然,哪怕。 △Ado. 3. 5. 27 (24):“an ’twerea thousand pound more than ’tis,”纵然再加上一千镑。 3. when当…的时候。 △Tw.3. 4.113 (100): “an youspeak ill of the devil,how he takes it at heart!”一当你说了魔鬼的坏话,他是多么不高兴! 4. as if好像,仿佛。 △Mid. 1.2.86 (83): “I will roaryou an ’twere any nightingale.”我会吼叫得像一只夜莺。 △H.V.2.3. 11 (10): “'A(= He) made a finer end,and went away an it had been any christom child.”他死得很体面,走的时候就像是一个不满月的小娃娃。 an[æn];[ən]art.一 ‖an abundance of capable people trained人才济济 an academic authority in law法学权威 an accident意外事故 an additional tax附加税 an advertiser广告人 an advertising maker广告人 an aesthetic mood雅兴 an aging population人口老龄化 an amount of money款额 an amusement park游乐场 an angry or sullen look嗔色 an anonymous letter匿名信 an answered test paper答卷 an arena contest擂台赛 an arena match擂台赛 an army puffed up with pride is bound to lose骄兵必败 an arrow-shaped token of authority令箭 an association of fellow provincials or townsmen同乡会 an audio recorder录音机 an auxiliary class辅导班 an average per capita GNP人均国民生产总值 an economic and technological development zone经济技术开发区 an eight-point statement on the peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question关于和平解决台湾问题的8点声明 an electronic dictionary电子词典 an electronic mailbox电子信箱 an emergency light应急灯 an endless debates 争论不休 an enterprise owned by the whole people全民所有制企业 an enterprise run by the local people民办企 业 an enterprise under collective ownership集体所有制企业 an entrusted agent委托代理人 an epidemic-stricken area疫区 an equivalent education level同等学力 an error 失策 an established principle of international law国际法准则 an evil thought邪念,邪心 an examination hall or room考场 an excellent work佳作 an exotic atmosphere异国情调 an export-取oriented economy外向型经济 an extinct book绝版书 an hourly worker钟点工 an image of Buddha佛像 an ideal理想 an idiomatic dictionary成语词典 an important event in one’s life终身大事 an important pattern of operations重要作战样式 an impromptu accompaniment 即兴伴奏 an impromptu speech即兴演讲 an ingrateful person白脸狼 an initial payment订金 an innovation project创新工程 an inscription on a tablets碑文 an insurance company 保险公司 an insurance system of basic old age pensions基本养老保险制度 an interest rate利率 An Introduction to Science of Law 法学概论 an invaluable asset无价之宝 an investigation group考察团 an observation group考察团 an observer观察员 an official’s salary 俸禄 an official career宦门,仕途 an official in feudal times臣子 an official statement正式声明 an old enemy夙敌 an old habit癖习 an open economy开放型经济 an oral slip口误 an ordinary people匹夫 an order meeting订货会 an order sheet订货单 an order订单 an order card订单 an outlying area 边远地区 an outlying district边远地区 an outstanding person杰出人物 an overall plan总体规划 an planning office 规划处 an undertaking in public interests 义举 an unhealthy obsession with cleanliness 洁癖 an unjust case冤案 an urgent matter当务之急 |