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单词 春兰秋菊

春兰秋菊chūn lán qiū jú

the orchid in spring and the chrysanthemum in autumn—each has its own merit;equally beautiful
❍ 春兰兮秋菊,长无绝兮终古。(屈原《九歌·礼魂》) Asters for autumn,orchids for the spring,|Through endless years this sacrifice we bring.
❍ 后主问帝,“萧妃何如此人?”帝曰,“~,各一时之秀也。” (鲁迅《中国小说史略》86) The last king of Chen asked: “How does your lady Xiao compare with this girl of mine?” The emperor said: “They are like the orchid in spring and the chrysanthemum in autumn—both fine blossoms in their season.”

春兰秋菊chun lan qiu ju

spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums—each has its own peculiar charms

春兰秋菊chūn lán qiū jǘ

比喻各有所长,如同春天的兰草、秋天的菊花各有其美一般。the orchid in spring and the chrysanthemum in autumn both fine blossoms in their season, Everything is good in it’s season. each has a charm all its own





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