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诗文 “一二·九”运动在天津


1935年,在北平发生的 “一二·九” 学生运动推动下,天津掀起了抗日救亡的怒潮。12月18日,天津14所大中学校学生4000余人,在金钢桥会师,举行抗日救亡示威游行。途经北马路,穿过旧城区,下午3时,游行队伍在南开中学操场集会,宣布成立 “天津学生联合会” ,法商学院、南开大学、北洋工学院、女师学院、女师附中、河北工学院、三八女中、汇文中学、扶轮中学、商科职业学校等10余所学校的代表,当选天津学联的执行委员。大会发出抗日宣言和通电。要求停止内战、一致抗日、允许集会结社自由等。大会决定,从19日起,举行总罢课。

·“一二·九”运动发生后,天津学生举行了 “一二·一八”抗日救亡大示威

12月26日,平津学生联合会成立,并利用寒假期间,组织“南下扩大宣传团” ,深入农村,宣传抗日。1936年1月初,宣传团分为4个团(北平3个天津1个),分别从天津出发。1月8日,4个团在固安城下会合。固安县长不准学生入城,宣传团在附近村庄调查、座谈,进行抗日宣传。
正在此时,天津传来消息,北洋工学院院长带领个别学生,到南京去“晋见”蒋介石。天津团决定,抽出10人编入北平第一团,代表天津学生继续南下活动; 其余学生返津,处理北洋工学院当局派伪代表“聆训”事件。平津南下宣传团,历时近1个月,徒步跋涉700里,成为学生抗日爱国运动的伟大创举。
为了深入地推进学生运动,在共产党的领导下,天津学联提出,利用暑假 “到工厂去” 、“到农村去” 。1936年6月间,各校代表组成暑假义教促进会,选择了近郊王兰庄、小园和姜井3个村,为活动地点。
王兰庄由北洋工学院和三八女中负责,办起了“民校” 。地下党以“义教”为掩护,派人到王兰庄开展工作,发展党员,建立了津郊地区中共第一个农村党支部,把王兰庄人民的革命斗争,推向了一个新的阶段。
现在,西青区王兰庄公园里,矗立着一块白色大理石纪念碑,碑的正面嵌刻着金色大字:“一九三六年天津学生抗日救亡义务教学点旧址纪念碑” ;碑的背面,记录着当年天津学生参加抗日救亡活动的光辉历史。
In 1935,the December 9 Student Movement occurredin Beijing. Tianjin also organized similar anti-Japanmovement. On December 18,about 4,000 students from14 schools in Tianjin assembled at Jingang Bridge anddemonstrated for anti-Japan. They went along Beimalu,through the old city,and reached the playground ofNankai Middle School at 15:00. They declared the set-upof Tianjin Student Union. The representatives from about10 schools including Law & Business College,NankaiUniversity,Northern Industrial College,Woman NormalCollege,the Middle School Affiliated to Woman NormalCollege,Hebei Industrial College,the March-8 WomanMiddle School,Huiwen Middle School,Fulun MiddleSchool,and Business Vocational School were elected asexecutive members. The assembly also issued anti-Japanannouncement and circular telegram,which required tostop the Civil War,unite for the Anti-Japanese War andassemble freely. It also decided to hold students` generalstrike since 19.
On December 26,the Student Union of Beijing &Tianjin was set up. It organized South Promotion Groupto promote anti-Japan activities in rural areas. At thebeginning of January,1936,the group was divided into4 branches (3 of Beijing,1 of Tianjin),who departedfrom Tianjin. On January 8,the four branches joinedtogether at Gu`an city. The magistrate of Gu`an countydid not permit them to enter the city. The group had toinvestigate and have informal discussions in nearbyvillages.
Meanwhile,news came from Tianjin that the Deanof Northern Industrial College led some students to visitChiang Kai-shek in Nanjing. Tianjin branch decided tochoose ten students joining the first branch of Beijing,who represented Tianjin students and went to south. Theother students returned to Tianjin dealing with the eventof Northern Industrial College. South Promotion Groupwalked 700 miles in nearly a month,which was a greatachievement of the students fighting against Japan.
To further student movement,Tianjin StudentUnion led by CPC proposed to go to the factories orrural areas during the summer vacation. In June,1936,the representatives of all schools organized EducationPromotion of Summer Vacation,which chose Wanglan,Xiaoyuan and Jiangjing villages as the sites.
Northern Industrial College and the Mayrch-8Woman School were responsible for Wanglan Village.They set up peasant schools and sent students to developCPC members. The first rural CPC Branch was set up inthe suburbs of Tianjin,which pushed the revolution ofWanglan Village to a new era.
At the Wanglan Park of Xiqing District was erecteda white marble monument,on which was engravedthe golden characters of "The Monument of VoluntaryTeaching Site of Anti-Japan by Tianjin Student in 1936".On its back was described the glorious history of Tianjinstudents fighting against the Japanese aggression.





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