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单词 entertainment


1. treatment,reception待遇,接待。
△Tw.1.5.231(214): “The rudeness that hath appeared in me have Ilearned from my entertainment.”我的无礼的样子是我从你们对我的接待上学来的。
△Ham.2.2.337 (316): “Whatlenten entertainment the players shall receive fromyou.”恐怕要受到你很简陋的接待了。
2. hospitality,accommodation款待,膳宿供应。
△As.2.4. 72(71): “if that love or gold / Can in this desertplace buy entertainment,”假如人情或是金钱可以在这荒凉的地方换到一点款待的话。
△Tw.2.1. 34 (33): “Pardonme,sir,your bad entertainment.”i.e. Excuse me forthe poor reception I have offered you. 请原谅,先生,我招待不周。
3. reception,welcome接待,欢迎。
△2H.VI.1.1. 72(71): “We thank you all for this great favour done /In entertainment to my princely queen.”我感谢你们大家都来好意参加对我的王后的这次盛大接待。
△Shr.2.1.54:“for an entrance to my entertainment.”作为我的进身之阶。
4. welcome; appreciation欢迎;欣赏。give entertainment: give welcome,show appreciation表示欢迎,表示欣赏。
△2H.IV.4.5.170(171):“If anyrebel or vain spirit of mine / Did with the least affec-tion of a welcome / Give entertainment to the mightof it,”假如我有任何悖逆或者妄自尊大的念头,连同丝毫的欢迎的心愿,对于王冠的权力表示欣赏。
5. reception,willingness to receive接待,接受之意,“意思”。
△Wiv.1.3.46 (44): “I spy entertainment inher.”我看她对我有点儿意思。
6. reception or treatment (of guests);(blunder for)guest(对客人的)接待,招待;(错用为)客人。
△Wiv. 4.5.77(75):“Have a care of your entertainments.”留心你的客人们。(又译:你款待来往客人可要小心。)
7. taking a person into service,(hence) reinstate-ment,reappointment启用,(引申为)恢复原职,重新任命。
△Oth.3.3.250: “Note if your lady strain hisentertainment / With any strong or vehementimportunity; / Much will be seen in that.”注意你的夫人是否敦促要他复职,对此极力强烈请求;这里边就大有文章。





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