释义 |
adventuren. 1. venture,hazard,hazardous enterprise,risk冒险行动,冒险,冒险事业,风险。 △3H.VI.4.2.18: “Our scoutshave found the adventure very easy.”我们的侦探发现这一突袭行动非常容易。 △1H.IV.5.2.95: “In the adven-ture of this perilous day.” 在今天这场凶险的战斗中。 △1H.IV.1.1.92: “The prisoners/Which he in thisadventure hath surprised/To his own use he keeps,”他在突袭行动中抓住的俘虏,他竟然全扣留下来归他自己。 2. accident,chance意外,机运。 △As.2.4.44 (45):“byhard adventure”,i.e. by cruel accident,by ill chance,unfortunately. 不幸地。 at all adventures: at any risks,whatever the risk,atall costs,whatever be the consequence不管有什么风险,不管付出什么代价,不管有什么后果。 △H.V.4.1.122(115):“and so I would he were,and I by him,at alladventures,so we were quit here.”我也希望他在那里,而我就在他的身边,不管后果如何,只要我们能离开这里。 △Com.2.2.220 (216):“in this mist at all adventures go.”无论如何也要从这一场迷雾中走过去。
adventurevi. 1. venture,run risks,take the risk冒险。 △Rom.2.2.84: “I should adventure for such merchandise.” i.e.Ishould run risks for such goods.为着这样的珍宝,我也要冒险追寻。 △Rom.5.3.11:“yet I will adventure.”但是要冒险一试。 2. try the chance,run all hazards试运气,冒一切危险。 △1H.IV.1.2.190(171): “and then will they adven-ture upon the exploit themselves,”那么他们就只好自己动手去干那件买卖。 ~ vt. take the risk of冒…的危险。 △R.III.1.3.116(115): “I dare adventure to be sent to the Tower;”我敢冒被送进伦敦塔的危险。 △2H.VI.3.2. 349: “I will re-peal thee or,be well assured,/ Adventure to be ban-ished myself;”我要把你召回来,否则,放心吧,我就冒险把我自己放逐出去。 adventure[ədˈventʃə]v.冒险/n.冒险活动,投机活动,投机买卖,奇遇,海上冒险行为,海上航行 ‖ adventure account 风险账户,投机买卖账 adventure film惊险片 adventure novel惊险小说 adventure school私立学校 adventure stories惊险故事 joint adventure合伙经营 adventurous[ədˈventʃrəs]adj.喜欢冒险的,大胆的 adventurer n. Adventurers’ Act(爱尔兰) 冒险家法令 (1642年)adventuress n.女冒险家,女骗子 adventurism n. 冒险主义adventurist n. 冒险主义者 adventurist policy冒险主义政策 adventuristic adj. 冒险主义的 |