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单词 advantage


1. benefit利益。
on that advantage: to gain that advantage,to reapthese benefits 为了得到这种好处,为了收到这些利益。
△1H. VI. 4. 6. 44: “On that advantage. bought withsuch a shame,”为了得到这种好处,要以这样的耻辱为代价。to the advantages of: for the assistance of,in theservice of帮助…,为…效劳。
△Lr. 3. 5. 12 (11):“whichapproves him an intelligent party to the advantages ofFrance.”它可以证明他是为法国效劳的奸细。
2. favourable opportunity,opportune time有利机会,适当时候。
△1H. IV. 2. 4. 600 (542):“we’ll read it at moreadvantage.” i. e. at a more opportune time. 我们有机会时再看。
△2H. vi.
1. 1. 243 (242):“And when I spy ad-vantage,claim the crown,”等我看到有利机会,就要求王冠。
for advantages: to serve one’s purposes有利于达到自己的目的。
△3H. VI. 3. 2. 192: “Change shapes with Pro-teus for advantages,”能随同普洛丢斯随机应变改换形状。
3. favourable opportunity,watching carefully for afavourable opportunity,circumspection有利时机,小心寻找有利时机,谨慎小心。
△H V. 3. 6. 130 (120):“advan-tage is a better soldier than rashness.” i.e. To attackan enemy at a favourable opportunity is better than toattack him rashly.(This is an excuse for the Frenchking’s siowness in taking action.)比起急躁冒进,待机而动才算是优秀的战十。
4. favourable condition有利条件。
△1H. V1. 2. 5. 128:“Either to be restored to my blood. / Or make mineill th’ advantage of my good.”要求恢复我世袭的权利,再不然就把我的冤屈变成对我有利的条件。
5. opportunity,chance,occasion机会,时机。
△Oth. 2.1. 248 (243): “that has an eye (= eye which) canstamp and counterfeit advantages,though true ad-vantage never present itself:”他眼睛尖,没有机会也会硬造出、捏造出许多机会来。
△Oth. 1. 3. 299 (297):“And bringthem after in the best advantage”i. e. at the most fa-vourable opportunity. 随后一有顺便机会就送她们前来
△ Oth. 3. 1. 55 (52): “Give me advantage of somebrief discourse / With Desdemona alone.”让我有机会和苔丝狄蒙娜单独作一次简短的谈话。
△Mac. 5. 4. 12 (11):“For where there is advantage to be gone.”因为只要 一有离开的机会。(按: gone一词系学者校改,古本作given)
△H. V. 1. 2. 138: “who will make road upon us /With all advantages.” i. e. whenever they see a goodopportunity. 他们一有机会就要向我们进犯的。
△R.III.3.5. 73 (74): “There,at your meet’st advantage of thetime,/ Infer the bastardy of Edward’s children;”到那里,你找一个最恰当的时机,提出爱德华的孩子们的私生子身份。
△R.III.4.1.48:“Take all the swift advantage of thehours.”不要放过一时一刻的机会。
△R.III.5.3.92 (91):“I,as I may—that which I would,I cannot—/Withbest advantage will deceive the time,” i.e. although Icannot fight openly on your side,I will mislead theenemy as best I can by pretending to be loyal to Rich-ard. 我想做的事却不能做,所以我只有尽可能找机会蒙骗我周围那些人们。
to the advantage: upon the opportunity,opportune-ly,fortunately,luckily乘此机会,凑巧地,幸运地,侥幸地.
△Oth.3.3.311:“she let it drop by negligence. Andto the advantage,I,being here,took’t up.”她自己不留神掉下来的,我正在旁边,就乘此机会把它捡起来了。
6. superiority优势。
△Ham.1.2.21: “this dream ofhis advantage.” i. e. the illusion of his superior posi-tion.他处于优势的这种梦想。
7. furthering,increase促进,增加。
△Oth.4.2.178(177): “suppliest me with the least advantage ofhope.”给我增加一点点希望。
8. embellishment,exaggeration修饰,夸张。
△H.V.4.3. 49:“Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,/ Buthe’ll remember with advantages/ What feats he didthat day.”i.e.The story will improve with time. (Atouch of humour)老年人都健忘;然而即使一切都被忘记了,但他仍会记得,而且带些夸张,他在这一天所做出的英勇事迹。
9. interest利息。
△Mer.1.3.71 (70):“Upon advan-tage.” i.e. at interest,按照利息。
△1H.IV.2.4.606(547):“The money shall be paid back again with ad-vantage.”那笔钱要加上利息退还。


1. profit,benefit有利于,有益于。
△Tw.4.2.122 (111):“It shall advantage thee more than ever the bearing ofletter did.”这可以使你得到比任何送信人所能得的更多的好处。
△Gent.3.2.42:“Where(= Whereas) your goodword cannot advantage him,/Your slander never canendamage him;”既然你的好话不能使他得益,那么你对他的诽谤也就未必对他有害。
2. benefit from; give benefit to从…得到好处;把好处给予…
△H.V.4.1.304 (284): “Whose hours the peasantbest advantages.”i.e. From the King’s watchful hoursthe peasant benefits.而这样时刻警惕,却让村夫得到了最大好处。
3. augment,add to the value of,increase扩大,增加…的价值,增加。
△R.III.4.4. 324 (323):“Advantaging theirloan with interest/Of ten times double gain of happi-ness.”好像放出的贷款,收回了十倍的双重幸福作为增值的利息。


◇at an advantage有利,优惠
be advantageous to有助于…/enjoy the advantage of享受…的好处
grasp the advantages of the situation抓住有利时机
have (gain,win) an advantage over优于,超出,胜过
have the advantage of胜过,占优势
of advantage (to)受益于…,对…有好处
take advantage of利用
take sb. at advantage冷不防地…/to advantage使…优点突出,有利地,有效地
to no advantage对某人有利
turn to advantage使转化为有利(形势…)
‖ advantage court领先局
advantage factor有利因素
advantage game盘末平局后先胜一局
advantage in发球占先
advantage in pace步数优势
advantage instruction优先指令
advantage in time时间优势
advantage line有利线
advantage out接球占先
advantage position优势地位
advantage receiver接球占先
advantage rule有利规则,权衡利弊的规则
advantage server发球者领先
advantage set盘数为一比一或二比二以后先胜一盘
relative advantage相对优势
advantages and disadvantages利害关系,利弊得失
advantaged adj. 占优势的
◇ advantageous adj. 有利的
advantageous circumstances有利态势
advantageous exchange有利交换
advantageously adv.有利地





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