释义 |
advancementn. 1. promotion,elevation,exaltation提升.提拔,晋升。 △2H. IV. 5. 5. 74 (69): “We will,according to yourstrengths and qualities,/ Give you advancement.”我会根据你们的能力和成就提拔你们。 △R. III.4. 4. 242: “Theadvancement of your children,gentle lady.”对你的孩子们的提升。 △Ham. 3. 2. 361 (340): “Sir,I lack ad-vancement.”先生,我不能提升。 2. promotion to dignity提升尊位。 △1H.VI. 2. 5. 69:“Endeavoured my advancement to the throne.”力求使我登上大位。 3. advantage好处。 △Ham. 3. 2. 62 (57): “For whatadvancement may I hope from thee.”因为我又能希望从你那里得到什么好处呢? (又译:因为我能指望你提拔我什么?)4. honour. respect荣誉,敬意 △Lr. 2. 4. 202 (199):“but his own disorders Deserved much less advance-ment.” i. e. Deserved far worse punishment. 但是他自己的胡作非为本该受到更坏的处分。 |