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单词 advice


1. reflection,consideration思考.考虑。
△Shr. 1. 1. 116(115): “upon advice”,在考虑之下。
△Gent. 2. 4. 208(207): “How shall I dote on her with more advice,/That thus without advice begin to love her?”现在我不假思索地就开始爱她.将来相知更深又该怎样为她倾倒呢?
△Gent. 3. 1. 73: “Upon advice”,考虑一番之后。
△Mer. 4. 2. 6: “upon more advice”,i. e. on furtherconsideration,经过进一步的考虑。
2. prudent consideration,careful reflection,deliber-ation慎重考虑,仔细思考.深思熟虑。
△H. V. 2. 2. 42: “Itwas excess of wine that set him on. / And on his moreadvice we pardon him. ” (on his more advice: ❶onthe man’s thinking better of his own crime;
❷on theKing’s thinking better of the man’s case.) 那是酒喝多了,才促使他那么做,现在他经过好好反省,明白了,我就宽恕他吧。(又译:现在经过仔细考虑他的案情,我就宽恕他吧。)
△2H.VI.2. 2. 67: “And that’s not suddenly to be performed /But with advice and silent secrecy. ”这可不是立即可以实现的,而是需要深思熟虑和严守机密。
3. counsel劝告。
by advice: i.e. by the advice of the doctor,with thedoctor’s approval根据医生的劝告,得到医生的同意。
△2H.IV. 1. 2. 109 (95):“I heard say your lordshipwas sick. I hope your lordship goes abroad by ad-vice. ”我听说大人病了,我希望大人听医生的话出来走走。


◇ask for sb.’s advice向某人征求意见
as per advice按照通知
do sth. by (on) sb.’s advice按某人的忠告做…/for your advice请提意见,请批示
take (follow) sb.’s advice接受某人的意见(劝告)
‖ advice agent咨询顾问
advice and consent咨询和同意
advice and pay通知付款
advice education劝教法
advice for collection托收委托书
advice for collection of documentary bill跟单汇票托收委托书
advice note发货通知书,通知单
advice of arrival到货通知
advice of audit审核通知书
advice of authority to pay授权付款通知书
advice of bill汇票通知书
advice of bill accepted票据承兑通知
advice of bill collected 票据收款通知
advice of bill paid票据付款通知
advice of charge付款通知书
advice of circumstances preventing carriage载运受阻通知书
advice of circumstances preventing delivery交付受阻通知书
advice of collection 收款通知书,托收通知
advice of collection of documentary bill跟单汇票托收通知书
advice of credit 信用证通知书
advice of deal合同执行情况通知书
advice of delivery到货通知书,回执
advice of distrbution of document单证分发通知
advice of drafts汇款总付通知书
advice of drawing提款通知
advice of fate托收款项情况通知书
advice of inward remittance汇入汇款通知书
advice of letter of credit通知信用证
advice of loss损失通知书
advice of payment付款通知
advice of receipt取款通知
advice of settlement结算通知书
advice of shipment 装船通知,装运通知
advice of shortage缺货通知
advice on evidence证据指导
advice sheet汇兑交易报告书,演出事务合同
advice to players during play场外指导
cable advice 电报通知
chief adviser首席顾问
definite advice确认参展的通知
extension advice 推广咨询
advisability adj.可取的,适当的,明智的
◇advise on…就…出主意
advise (sb.) against sth. of sth.劝某人不干某事
advise sb. not do劝阻
advise sb. on (about) sth.同某人商量某事
be advised officially正式接到通知
advised adj. 考虑过的
advisedly adv.深思熟虑地,故意地
advising bank通知行
advising charge通知手续费
advising commission(外汇)通知手续费
advising on corporate finance 就机构融资提供意见
advising on futures contracts就期货合约提供意见
advising on securities就证券提供意见
adviser n. (制片)顾问,谋士,指导教师,指导员,导师
adviser office顾问室
adviser on legal affairs 法律顾问
adviser to the President总统顾问
financial adviser财务顾问
technical adviser技术顾问





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