释义 |
deputyn. 1. lord lieutenant. governor. viceroy总督。 △H.VIII.2.1.42:“Then deputy of Ireland,”当时的爱尔兰总督。2. deputy-alderman,an important local official whoacted as magistrate in the absence of an alderman,and whose wife was,of course,a respectable person副区长。 △1H.IV.3.3.128 (114): “and for woman-hood,Maid Marian may be the deputy’s wife of theward to thee. ” i.e. as regards womanliness,in com-parison with you,Maid Marian is as respectable a per-son as the wife of the deputy-alderman of this ward.至于说妇道,玛丽安姑娘要跟你比起来满可以当这个区的副区长太太了。 deputy[ˈdepjuti]n.代表,代理,代理人adj.副的 ◇ do sth. by deputy请人代做某事 ‖ deputy chairman副董事长,副主席,代理主席 deputy chief arbiter副总裁判 deputy chief judge副庭长 Deputy Chief of Staff副参谋长 deputy chief procurator副检察长 deputy delegate副代表 deputy director general副局长,副处长 deputy field captain副裁判长 deputy general manager副总经理 deputy governor副总裁 deputy head(headmaster)副校长 deputy judge助理法官 deputy manager副经理 deputy mayor副市长 deputy of commander副司令 deputy of the meet大会代理人 deputy permanent representative常驻副代表 deputy post副职 deputy president(大学)副校长 Deputy Presiding Officer副投票站主任 deputy procurator助理检察官 deputy referee副裁判长 deputy representative副代表 deputy staff 副职 Deputy to the National People’s Congress全国人大代表 Deputies Credentials Committee (Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress)代表资格审查委员会 deputation n.代表团 depute[diˈpju:t]v.委托,代理 |