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单词 wish
释义 wish /wij; wij/ vt, vi 1 [VP9] ~ that..., (that usu omitted; the Mm-clause usu in the pt) have as an unfulfilled desire or a desire that cannot be fulfilled: (that通常省去; that 子句中,通常用过去时态) 有某种未实现或无法实现的欲望或希望; 但愿: I ~ / knew what is happening. 但愿我知道现在正在发生什么事。 / ~ / were rich. 我希望我很有钱。 / ~, were a bird. 我希望我是一只鸟。 She ~ed she'd stayed at home, was sorry that she had not stayed at home. 她遗憾当时不在家。 2 [VP15A] have as a desire: 切望; 渴望; 希望: She ~ed herself home (= ~ed that she was at home) again. 她真希望已经再度回到家里。 They ~ed the voyage at an end. 他们渴望航行吿一结束。 He began to ~ himself (= ~ that he was) out of the affair. 他开始希望自己未介入那事。 3 [VP22] ~ sb well/ill, hope that he may have good/ill fortune, etc: 祝某人好运 (希望某人倒楣) 等: He ~ed me well. 他祝我好运。 I ~ nobody ill. 我不希望有人遭殃。 4 [VP12A, 13A] say that one hopes for: 颂; 祝: ~ sb a pleasant journey; 祝某人旅遂快乐; ~ happiness to all one's friends; 祝福所有朋友; express as a greeting: 表示某种问候语; 问候; 招呼: ~ sb good morning/goodbye. 向某人道早安 (再见) 。 5 [VP7A, 17, rarely VP6A with pron] (want: VP6A与代名词连用的用法较少见) 想要; 需要: She ~es to be alone. 她不想被打援。 Do you really ~ me to go? 你真的要我去吗? I ~ there to be no mi sunder standing on this matter. 关于这件事我不愿有所误会。 What do you ~? 你想要什么? Well, if you ~ if..., if that is what you want me to do, etc. 唔,如果你真要…。 6 [VP3A] ~ for, have a desire for, pray for (esp sth unlikely to be obtained or achieved, or sth that can be obtained only by good fortune or in exceptional circumstances): 欲; 愿 (尤指不大可能获得或达到的,或有赖于好运或特殊环境才能获得的某种事物): She has everything a woman can ~ for, (suggesting unusual good fortune). 女人想要获得的一切,她都有了 (显示她有不寻常的好运) 。 How he ~ed for an opportunity to go abroad!, (suggesting small likelihood of getting one). 他多么希望有机会出国啊! (显示这种机会并不大) 。 The weather was everything they could ~ for, (suggesting unusual good fortune). 他们遇到的天气再好没有了。 What more can you ~ for? 你究竟还想得到什么呢? (Cf 寥较: Hje would like a glass of cold water, and How he ~ed for a glass of cold water, the second sentence suggesting that there was little likelihood of his getting one 第二句话表示他获得一杯冷水的机会很小) 7 [VP2A] express a desire: 表示一种欲望: Doing is better than ~ing. 行动胜于痴心梦想。 '■~-bone n forked bone above the breastbone of a fowl, pulled in two by two persons, the person getting the longer part having the right to the magic fulfilment of any wish. (鸟胸的) 叉骨; 如愿骨 (两人同时拉扯, 据迷信,扯到长的一段的人,无论希望什么,都会神奇地如愿以偿) 。 '~ing-cap n (in fairy tales) cap which secures to the wearer the fulfilment of any wish. (神仙故事中) 魔帽 (戴者随心所欲有求必应) 。 8 ~ sb/sth on sb, (colloq) transfer him/it to sb (esp with the idea of getting rid of sb/sth unwanted or disliked) : (俗) 把某人或某物转交给某人 (尤指欲摆脱不需要或不喜欢之人或物); 把某人或某物塞给某人: I wouldn't ~ my mother-in-law on anyone, suggesting that she is intolerable. 我不会把我丈母娘塞给旁人 (意谓其丈母娘叫人受不了) 。 We had the Jones children ~ed on us for the weekend.. 琼斯家的孩子们在周末被塞到我们这儿来。口兀 1 [C, U] desire; longing: 欲望; 愿望: He has no/not much ~ to go. 他不 (不大) 睛去。 She expressed a ~ to be alone. 她表示愿意独处 (不愿有人打扰) 。 He disregarded his father's ~es. 他不顾他父亲的愿望。 I hope you will grant my 我希望你答应我的请求。 If ~es were horses, beggars might ride, (prov) If things could be obtained merely by ~ing for them, poor people would soon be rich. (谚) 如果愿望是马,叫化子都可以乘骑; 如果梦想皆可成事实,穷人很快就发财了。 The ~ is father to the thought, (prov) We are apt to believe sth because we ~ it were true. (谚) 愿望是意念之父; 人们容易相信他们希望相信的事物。 2 [C] that which is ~ed for: 被希冀的事物; 所愿望的事物: She got her ~. 她如愿以偿了。 ~ful /-fl; -fal/ adj having or expressing a desiring. 有愿望的; 表示愿望的; 欲望的。 ~ful thinking, thinking or believing that sth is true because one ~es it were true. 如意的想法或信念; 妄想; 如意算盘。 ~fully /-fall; -fall/ adv




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