爷(爺)yé ❶ [方] (父亲) father: ~ 娘 father and mother ❷ [方] (祖父) grandfather ❸ (对长一辈或年长男子的尊称) uncle (a respectful form of address for an elderly man) ❹ (旧时对官僚、 财主等的称呼) a form of address for an official or rich man: 老 ~ sir; master; lord; 少 ~ young master (of the house) ❺ (对神的称呼) god: 老天 ~ God; Heaven ◆爷儿 [口] men of two or more generations; 爷儿俩 father and son; uncle and nephew; grandfather and grandson; 爷儿们 [口] men of two or more generations; 爷们 [方] man; menfolk; husband; 爷们儿 [口] men of two or more generations; 爷爷 [口] grandfather; grandpa |