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单词 with
释义 with /wxd; wid/ prep 1 (equivalent to constructions with the v 'have') having; carrying; characterized by: (相当于带动词 have 的结构) 有; 带着; 有…的特征: a cup ~ a broken handle; 把手破损的林子; a coat ~ two pockets; 有两个口袋的外衣; a girl ~ blue eyes; 碧眼女郎; a baby ~ no clothes on; 未穿衣服的婴免; a woman ~ an angry look in her eyes; 眼露怒气的妇人; ~ your permission. 经你允许。 ~ child (of a woman 指女人); ~ young (of an animal 指动物) ,pregnant. 怀孕的; 怀胎的。 2 (to indicate what is used for filling, covering, etc) : (表示填充物、覆盖物等): Fill the box ~ sand. 将这个盒子装满沙子。 The lorry was loaded ~ timber. 货车装称亍木哥。 The sack was stuffed ~ straw. 袋子里塞满了稻草。 The hills were covered ~ snow. 丘陵被雪改盖了。 3 (to indicate the means or instrument) : (表示方式或工具) .write ~ a pen; 用笔书写; take sth ~ both hands; 用双手取物; walk ~ a crutch; 用拐杖走路; cut sth ~ a knife; 用刀切割某物 see sth ~ your own eyes; 用你的眼睛看某物; ~ the help of your friends; 借你朋友们的帮助; ~ your help. 靠你的帮助。 4 (to indicate accompaniment or relationship) : (表示伴随或关系): live ~ your parents; 与你的双亲同住; go for a walk ~ a friend; 同一位朋友去散步; discuss a problem ~ somebody; 与某人鼾粉一个问题; spend the day ~ one's uncle; 叔父在一起度过一日; mix one substance ~ another; 把一种物质与另一物质混合; put one thing ~ others. 把一物与他物放左一起。 I shall be ~ you in a few minutes. 我几分钟内 (一会儿) 就来招呼你。 Is there anyone ~ you or are you alone? 有人陪伴你呢,还是你单独一个 A ? The general, (together) ~ his staff officers, will inspect the camp. 那位将军将率同其参谋官们视察营区。 in ~, in association ~; mixed up ~: 结交; 依…交游; 与…交往: She's in ~ the wrong crowd, eg of a girl whose companions are criminals. 她结交了 _ 群不法之徒。 5 (to indicate antagonism, opposition) : (表示敌对、反对): fight/argue/struggle/ quarrel, etc ~ sb; 与某人打架 (辩论,竞争,吵架夺); have an argument ~ sb; 与某人蜂论; in competition ~; 与…竞争; a battle ~ savages; 对抗野蛮人的战斗; at war ~ the Romans. 与罗马人作战。 fall out ~, fall\\ (14). have it out ~ sb, chave4 (9). 6 (to indicate cause) because of; owing to: (表示原因) 因为; 由于: silent ~ shame; 因羞耻而沉默; trembling - fear/rage; 因恐惧 (愤怒) 而抖颤; shaking ~ cold; 冷得发 ■ 抖; a face 'wet ~ tears. 眼泪濡湿的脸。 7 (to indicate manner) : (表示方式或样态): do sth ~ an effort/ ~ a light heart/ ~ one's whole heart/ ~ joy/ ~ pleasure; 努力 (心情轻松,全心全意,高高兴兴,甘心情愿) 地做某事; standing ~ his hands in his pockets; 他站蓄,双手放在口袋里; win ~ ease, easily; 轻易地获胜; fight ~ courage, courageously; 英勇地战斗; ~ a roar/a growl/a shout of triumph; 大吼 (咆哮,欢呼) 着; receive sb ~ open arms. 热忱地欢迎某 Ao 8 in the same way or direction as; at the same time as: 与…同方向或路径; 与…同时: A tree's shadow moves ~ the sun. 树影随着太阳移动。 W~ the approach of sunset it becomes chilly. 至 ij 日落时分,天变冷了。 Do you rise ~ the sun, ie at dawn? 你黎明即每吗? 9 (to indicate care, charge or possession) : (表示照顾、管理或保有): Leave the child ~ (= in the cafe of) its aunt. 把小孩留给他的姑妈照管。 I have no money ~ me. 血身上没妾。 The next mover is ~ you. 下一步该你。 It rests ~ you to decide/The decision rests ~ you, ie you must decide. 由你作决定。 10 。in regard to; concerning: 对于; 关于: be patient ~ them; 对他们有耐性; sympathize ~ her; 同情她; bear/put up ~ (→ endure) sb or sth; 忍旻某人或某手; have dealings/business ~ sb. 与某人看交往(商业往来)。 What do you want ~ me? 你要我做什么呢?(你找我干什么?) What's your business ~ him? 你和他清杵么塞? It's a habit ~ some people. 这是某些人的习惯。 We can't do' anything/can do nothing ~ him, cannot influence, control, make use of, him. 我们对他毫无办法(不能影响、控制或利用他)。 It's holiday time ~ us now. 对于我们来说现在晕假期。 The first object ~ him (= His first object) is always to make a profit. 他的第一目标永远是赚钱。 Away ~ him! Send or take him away! 南他走! Out ~ you! Get out! 出去! Off ~ his head! 砍掉他的豌! (and many other exclamatory sentences in the pattern adv + ~ + n/ pron 另有许多感叹句亦属于这类句型,即: 副词 + with + 名词或代名词)。11 (to indicate separation): (表示分离): Let us dispense ~ ceremony, ie not be ceremonious. 让液们免除礼节吧。 I parted ~ her at the gate. 我而施在大门口分手。 He has broken ~ his best friend. 他白同他而至板: 绝交。 12 (to indicate agreement, harmony): (表示同意,和 M): He that is not ~ me on my side) is against me. 不实成我的人就是反对我 → I'm ~ you (=> in agreement or sympathy ~ you) in what you say. 我同意你说的话。 I (dis)agree ~ you. 我同意 (不同意)你。 I can't go along ~ you on that question, can't agree or co-operate with you. 关于那个问题我不能附和你。 Does this blue go well ~ this green? 这种蓝色和这种绿色相配吗? be/get '~ it. (sl) become aware of what is popular and up to date: (俚)知道或懂得最新或最流行的事物; 懂得时髦: (attrib) (形容用法) clothes. 流行的服装。 13 in spite of; notwithstanding (the possession of): 尽管; 纵然(寿):归 ~ all her faults he still liked her. 尽管她有许多缺点,他还是喜欢她。 He failed ~ the best of intentions to win the sympathy of his pupils. 他虽然费尽苦心,依然无法获得学生们的赞同。




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