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单词 wing
释义 wing /wiij; wii)/ n 1 either of the two organs of a bird by which it flies; one of the similar organs of an insect; one of the surf aces by which an aircraft is supported in the air. (为,昆虫,飞机等的) 翼; 翅。少 the illus at air, bird. 参看 air 与 bird 之插图。 dip a person's ~s limit his movements, activities, expenditure, etc. 限制某人的活动,行动,花费等。 lend/add ~s to. cause to go fast: 庭倏走; 使加速: Fear lent him ~s, made him run off fast. 恐值使他加株了脚步。 take (to itself) ~s, disappear, vanish: 耐美; 浦逝: 4s soon as we go on a holiday, our money seems to take ~s. 每当我们去度假,钱就飞也似地花掉飞 Make sb under one's ~, take him under one's protection; give him care and guidance. 保护或庇护某人; 给予某人照顾与指导。 '~-nut/-screw, = thumb-nut. '~-span/ -spread n measurement across ~s when these are extended. 翼幅; 翼展 (两翼张开时的宽度) 。 2 part of an object, building, etc which projects or is extended from one of its sides (eg the part of a motor-vehicle covering a wheel, called a fender in US): (物体,建筑物等的) 侧翼; 翼; 厢房; (汽车的) 挡泥板 (美国费作 fender): a '~ chair, an upholstered chair with arms as high as the back; 高边椅 (侧边与靠背等高); add a new ~ to a hospital. 为医院的一面暗建一排房屋。 The north ~ of the house was added 50 years ago. 那房子北面的厢房是五十年前添建的。 3 (mil) either of the flanks of an windows army or fleet; unit placed to guard a flank. (军) (部队、舰队的) 翼; 侧翼; 保护侧翼的部队。 4 those members of a political party holding more extreme views than those of the majority: (政党中的) 派别; 翼 (所持观点较大多数党员极端): the radical ~ of the Labour Party. 工党的激进派。 Hence, 由此产生, jight , ~ (er). 左 (右) 派 (分子) 。 5 unseen areas to the right and left of the stage of a theatre; the scenery there: 舞台的侧面; 舞台的侧景: e were allowed to watch the performance from the ~s. 我们获准在舞台的侧面看表演。 6 flying. 飞行; 飞翔。 on the ~, in flight: 在飞行中: shoot a bird on the ~. 射击飞行中的鸟。 take ~, start flying. 起飞; 飞去。 7 sth like a ~ in appearance or positionr eg certain seeds (esp of the maple and sycamore). 形状或位置似翼之物; (尤指枫树及大枫树的) 翼形种子; 翼瓣。 8 (also 亦作 ~ er) (football, hockey) forward player whose place is either side of the centre. (足球,曲棍球) 翼; 边锋 (球员) 。 → the illus at football. 参看 football 之席图。 9 (GB; RAF) formation of two or more squadrons; (pl) pilot's badge: (英; 皇家空军) 大队; (复) 飞行徽章: get one's ~s. 获得飞行徽章。 '―commander, RAF rank, next below Group Captain. (英国皇家空军的) 空军中校。 t, adj 1 [VP6A] give ~s to; lend speed to: 增加…的速度;加快: (usu fig) (通常作喻) Fear ~ed his steps. 恐惧使他加快步子。 2 [VP2C, 15A] fly; travel on ~s: 飞; 飞行: The planes ~ed (their way) over the Alps. 飞机飞越阿尔卑斯山。 3 [VP6A] wound (a bird) in the ~; (colloq) wound (a person) in the arm. 伤 (鸟) 之翼; (俗) 伤 (人) 之臂。 ~ed adj having ~s: 有翼的; 有翅膀的: the ~ed god, Mercury; (罗马神话中的) 信使神; a ~ed Victory, a statue of the goddess of victory with ~s. 有翼的胜利女神彫像。一 less adj without ~s. 无翼的; 无画膀的。 ~er n person who acts or plays in a position on the ~s. (政党中的) 激进分子; 左 (右) 派分子; (足球,曲棍球) 边录; 边锋球员。中 4 and 8 above. 参看上列第 4 义与第 8 义。




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