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单词 withdraw
释义 withdraw /wid'dro:; wid'dro/ vt, vi (pl -drew) /-'dru:; -'dru/, pp -drawn /-'drxn; -'dron/ 1 [VP6A, 14] ~ sth/sb (from), pull or draw back; take out or away: 取回; 液回; 拿出; 拿开: ~ money from the Bank/dirty banknotes from circulation; 自银行提款(收回肮脏的钞票使不再流通); ~ a boy from school, not allow him to attend. 令一男孩退学。 The workers threatened to ~ .their labour, to go on strike. 工人们威胁着要罢工。 2 [VP6A, 2A] take back (a statement, an accusation, an offer): 撤回; 撤销(一项陈述、控吿、提议): He refused to ~ (the offending expression), eg after calling sb a liar. 他拒绝道歉(撤回冒犯的话,如称某人为说说者)。 3 [VP6A, 14, 2A, C] (cause to) move back or away: (使)撤退; 退出; 脱离; 撤出: ~ troops from an exposed position; 把部队撤离无掩蔽的地区; ~ from society. 隐遁。 Our troops had to ~. 我们的部队必须撤退。 (Cf 参较 The enemy had to retreat. 敌人不得不退却。) ~at /-'drozal; -'droal/ n [U] ~ing or being withdrawn; [C] instance of this, 取回; 收回; 撤回; 撤销; 退出; 此种实例。 '~al symptom, physical or mental reaction when steadily deprived of sth to which one is addicted (in order to break the habit). (医)脱瘾征状; 断除征状(在戒瘾过程中,渐次断除瘾物时,所产生的身心反应)。 ~ n adj, (of persons, their looks) retiring; unsociable; abstracted. (指人、人的外衬)孤独的; 缄默的; 不喜交际的; 孤僻的; 出神的; 心不在焉的。




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