释义 |
curtsyn. 1. bow (by either sex),lowering the body,obeisance鞠躬,屈身,敬礼。 △2H.IV.2.1.139(124): “if a manwill make curtsy and say nothing,he is virtuous.”只要一个人只会鞠躬行礼,什么也不说,他就是道德高尚了。 △2H.IV.Epi.1:“First my fear,then my curtsy,lastmy speech. ” 首先,我怯场,其次我鞠躬,最后我再致辞。 △L.L.L.1.2.67 (63):“a new-devised curtsy”,一种新式的鞠躬礼(或:礼貌)。 △Ado.4.1.325 (319):“But man-hood is melted into curtsies.”但是男子气概已经融化为鞠躬请安了。 2. courtesy 礼貌。 △Mid.4.1.21(20):“Pray you.leave your curtsy,”请你免礼吧。 △Mer.3.1.53 (48):“He was wont to lend money for a Christian curtsy ”他一向是借钱给人,不取利息,以为是基督徒的礼貌。
curtsyvi. 1. bow in the knees,make a reverence行弯膝礼,行礼。 △1H.IV.3.2.127:“To dog his heels and curtsy at hisfrowns.”追随在他脚后并且看他一皱眉头就赶快屈膝行礼。 △Tw.2.5.68 (61):“Toby approaches:there curtsiesto me—”托比来了;向我打躬致敬。 2.i.e. (of ships) bob up and down on the waves行弯膝礼,(比喻船只)在海浪中上下颠簸. △Mer.1.1.12: “thepetty traffickers. / That curtsy to them,do them rev-erence,”那些小商船上下摇摆着向它们打躬致敬。 3. bow,i.e. defer. yield,give way鞠躬,(转义)服从,顺从,让步。 △H.V.5.2.291 (268): “O Kate,nice cus-toms curtsy to great kings. ”啊,凯特,谨小慎微的习惯见了伟大的国王是只有顺从的。 |