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单词 handle
释义 handle /'haendl; 1 haend 1/ n 1 part of a tool, cup, bucket, door, drawer, etc by which it may be held in the hand. (工具,杯,桶,门,抽屉等之)柄; 把手; 提手。 ,~bar n (usu pl) bar with a ~ at each end, for steering a bicycle, etc. (通常作复数)脚踏车等的把手。 O the illus at bicycle, 参看 bicycle 乏插图。 fly off the ~, (colloq) get into a rage and lose self-control. .( 俗)十分祓怒; 大怒。 give a ~ ( to sb) (against sb), provide an excuse or pretext that may be taken advantage of and used: 予以可乘之隙; 予以把柄: Your indiscreet behaviour may give your enemies a ~ against you. 你的不审慎的行为会给你的敌人可乘的机会。 2 (sl) title: (俚)头衔: have a ~ to one's name, have, eg, Sir or Lord as part of it. 姓名前有一头衔(例如、 Sir, Lord 等)。 vt [VP6A] 1 touch with, take up in, the hands: 用争烛摸; 用手拿起: Gelignite is dangerous stuff to ~. 爆炸胶是不可随便触摸的危险之物。 Wash your hands before you ~ my books, please. 在你拿我的书之前, 请你先洗手。 2 manage; deal with; control (men): 管理; 处理; 控制(人.): An officer must know how to ~ men. 一个军官必须知道如何统御士兵。 Can you ~ the situation, deal with it? 你能处理这情况吗? 3 treat; behave towards: 对待:对付: The speaker was roughly ~d by the crowd. 那演说者受到了群众的侮辱。 4 (comm) buy and sell: (商)买卖; 经销: This shop does not ~ imported goods. 这彖商居不经销进 han-dler /'haendl3(r); 'haendla1/ n person who trains and controls an animal, eg a police dog. 训练动物(例如警犬)者。




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