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单词 hand
释义 hand1 /haend; haend/ n 1 part of the human arm beyond the wrist: 手: with his ~s in his pockets. 他的手放在口袋中。 the illus at arm. 参看 arm 之插图。 at ~, near; within reach: 在近处; 在手边; 即将到来: He lives close at ~, quite near. 他住在近处。 The examinations are at 考试即将慕行了。 at sb's ~s, from sb: 出自某人之手: I did not expect such unkind treatment at your ~s. 我未料到徐会如此无情。 bind sb ~ and foot, (lit, fig) make him completely helpless. (字面,喻)把某人的手脚全绑起来; 使某人完全无助。 serve/wait on sb ~ and foot, attend to his every wish; perform every sort of service for him. 竭力侍候; 忠心侍候。 by ~, a without the use of machinery: 羊工做的: Are your socks knitted by ~ / ~-knitted or machine-made? 你的袜子是手工织的还是机器织的? b without the use of the post qffice: 专人送的: The note was delivered by ~, by a messenger. 这短简是专人送来的。 bring up a baby/a calf, etc by ~, rear it by feeding from a bottle: 以奶瓶喂养婴儿、小牛等: The lamb had to be brought up by ~. 这小羊必须以奶瓶喂养。 eat/feed out of one's ~, a (eg of a bird) be quite tame. (指鸟等)十分驯服。 b (fig) be ready to obey without question. (喻)十分顺从。 from ~ to ~, directly, from one person to another: 用手传递; 自甲手到乙手 .: Buckets of water were passed from ~,。 ~ to put the fire out. 一桶扁的水用手传选着去救火。 fight ~ to ~, at close quarters, 肉搏; 短兵相接。 Hence, 由此产生, ~-to- ~ fighting. 肉搏战。 give/ lend (sb) s ~ (with sth), help with, take a part in, doing sth: 帮助; 参与: Give (me) a ~ with the washing-up, please. 诘用我洗餐具。 give one's ~ on s bargain, take sb's ~ and clasp it to seal the bargain. 与某人握手表示成交。 be ~ in glove (with sb), cglove, have one's ' ~s full, have all the work one can do; be fully occupied. 忙碌。 have/get the upper ~ (of sb), rupper. have a free ~; give/allow sb a free ~, free1 (3). ~ in ~,holding ~s; together: 手牵手; 一起: They walked away ~ in ~. 他们携宇雇去。 (fig) (喻) War and misery go ~ in ~. 战争与苫难永不分开。 H~s off! Don't touch, or interfere! 不依(干涉 )! H~s up! Put your ~s up! Surrender! 举枝手亲!投降 ! ~ over ~, with each ~ used alternately (as when climbing, etc); (fig) rapidly and steadily. 双手交互地(如攀堡时); (喻)迅速而稳定地。 in ~, a in reserve, available for use: 保有; 可用“ I still have some money in ~. 我手站逾有此钱。 Cash in ~, £27.25. 手头现金,二十七镜二十五便士。 b receiving attention; in course of completion: 在处理或从事中; 在进行中: The work is in ~ and will be finished by the end of the month. 这工作在进行中,本月底对完成。 have the situation well in ~, are dealing with it satisfactorily. 我们充分掌握了局势。 in the ~ of, being looked after or managed by. 在…的照顾中; 由…管理。 in good ~s, being well cared for. 在安为照顾中。 /ay (one's) ~s on sth/sb, lay1 (2). lend a ~, c give a ~,above. 参着上列乏 give a ~ .not lift a ~; not do a ~ 's turn, make not the least attempt to help. 毫不帮助。 lift/raise a ~ /ones ~ against sb, threaten, attack him. 威胁某人; 打击某人。 live from ~ to mouth, precariously, spending money as soon as it is received. 赚一个用一个; 生活不稳定。 Hence, 由此产生, a ~-to-mouth existence. 做一日吃一日何生活。 (get sth) off one's ~s, taken from one's responsibility: 卸除责任: I'd be glad to get it off my ~s, to rid myself of responsibility for it. 我愿意摆脱对此事的责任。 “ ~,available: 可用; 握有: We have some new woollen goods on ~, in our shop, warehouse, etc. 我们现有一些新的毛货(在商店, 仓库等中)。 on one's ~s, resting on one as a responsibility: 做为一项责任而仰赖着某人; 由某人员责: I have an empty house on my ~ $, one for which I want to find a buyer or tenant. 我有一所空房屋待卖或出租。 Time hangs heavy on his ~s, seems burdensome, passes slowly. 时间慢得使他难以度过。 out of ~, a out of control; undisciplined: 难控制; 无纪律; 无法约束: The football fans have got quite out of 足球迷们变得难以控制了。 b at once, without hesitation: 即刻; 无犹豫地: The situation needs to be dealt with out of ~. 这情势须要即刻处理。 shake ~ with sb; shake sb's ~, grasp his ~ as a greeting, or to express agreement, etc. 与某人握手。 take a ~ (in), help; play a part (in sth). 帮助; 参与。 take sth/sb in ~, take charge of; undertake to control or manage. 负责照料; 管理。 be to ~, (comm style for) be received: (商业文体)收到: Your letter is to ~, has reached me and is receiving attention. 大函液悉。 wash one's ~ of, say that one will no longer be responsible for. 声称不再对某事负责; 洗手不干。 win ~s down, win easily. 轻易地痛毎。 (rule) with a heavy ~, oppressively; severely. 压制地; 严格地(统治)。 win a lady's ~, win her consent to marriage. 获某女子同意结婚。 2 (pl) power; possession; responsibility. (复)掌握:拥有; 责 、任。 in sb's hands: The property is no longer in my ~s, Ii is no longer mine, or my responsibility. 这财产已非我所有(我所管 ).The matter is in your ~s, You must decide how to deal with it. 这事你必须处理。 He's still in the ~s of the money-lenders. 他仍受高利贷者的剥削。 change ~s, pass to another owner: 熟子; 易主: The property has changed ~s recently, has been sold. 迳财产最近已易主。 3 (sing only) influence or agency: (仅用单数)势力; 作用: The ~ of an enemy has been at work here. 敌人已在此处话动。 4 (sing only) person from whom news, etc comes. (仅用单数)提供消息等的人。 (only in) (仅用于) at first ~, directly, without an intermediary: 直接地: I heard/learnt the news at first ~. 我直接听到(得悉)这消。 st second indirectly. 间接地。 5 (sing only) skill in using one,s ~s: (仅用单数)技巧: She has a light ~ at pastry, makes it with skill. 她很会做点心 → Why don't you try your ~ at editing the staff magazine, see whether vou have the skill needed? 你为何不去尝试一下编辑谖员刊物呢? get one's '~ in, acquire or return to one's usual degree of skill by practice. 经练习而获得或恢复平时的技术。 keep one's , ~ in, practise a skill, in order to retain it: 借练习保持技术: practise the piano every day to keep one's ~ in. 每天练钢琴以保持熟练。 6 [C] person who does what is indicated by the context; performer: 做某事的人(所做之事由上下文表示): a good ~ at fencing, a good fencer. 剑术家 ( He's an old ~ at this sort of work, has long experience of it. 他做这种工作便寿经验。 He's an old parliamentary ~, a person with long experience of parliamentary duties. 他是精通议会事物的人。 7 workman, eg in a factory or dockyard; member of a ship's crew: (工厂或船坞等之)工人; 船员: The factory has taken on 200 extra ~s. 工厂额外雇用了二百名工人。 All ~ on deck! All seamen are needed on deck! 所有船员都到甲板上来! 8 turn; share in an activity. 轮値; 活动中的一份。 have a ~ (in sth), have a share: 参与(某事): Let me have a ~ now. 让我参加一份。 Do you think he had a ~ in it, was involved? 你认为他参与了此事嘱? 9 [C] pointer or indicator on the dial of a watch, clock or other instrument: 钟面或锁面等上之针: the 'hour/'minute/'second ~ of a watch. 处的时(分,秒) 针。 10 position or direction (to right or left). 方面; 方向。 on every/either ~; on all ~s, to or frqrn all quarters, 向四面八方; 从四面八方。 on the one ~ .on the other ~, used to indicate contrasted points of view, arguments, etc. 一方面…,另一方亩…。 11 (sing only) handwriting: (( 用单数)笔麻; 书生, He writes a good/legible ~. 他的书法很好(写得很清楚)。 12 (formal) signature: (正式用语)签名: set one's ~ to a document. 在一文件上签名。 Given ~ and seal, authenticated by my signature and seal. 由我的签名及印鉴证明。 13 (card games, eg bridge) (桥德等牌戏) a (number of) cards dealt to, held by, a player at one time. 一手牌; 手中牌。 have a good/bad/poor ~, good/bad, etc cards. 拿到一手好(坏)牌。 play a good/bad ~, play well/badly. 气得好(差)。 take a at sth, join in and play it. 参加打牌。 play into sb's ~s, do sth that is to his advantage, h 某人的当; 让某人占便宜。 b player at cards: 牌手; 玩牌者: We have only three players—we need a fourth 我们只有三个牌手, 我们儒要第四位。 c one round in a game of cards: 牌戏中之一局: Let's play one more ~, shall we? 我们再来一局如何? 14 [C] unit of measurement, about four inches (1016 cm), the breadth of the ~, used for the height of a horse (from the ground to the top of the shoulder). 一手之宽(约为四吋或 10 ” 6 公分,用以 M 马从地面到肩头的高度)。 15 (colloq) applause by clapping. (俗)拍手喝采。 give sb/get a good ~, a lot of applause. 对某人(获得)热烈拍手喝采。 16 (compounds) (复合字) '~-bag n woman's bag for money, keys, handkerchief, etc. (US 美 = purse.) 女用手提包。 '~-barrow n light two-wheeled barrow. 诡便双输手推车。 '~bill n printed advertisement or announcement distribufed by ~. 传单。 book n small book giving useful facts; guide-book. 手册; 指南。 '~brake n auxiliary brake in a motorvehicle, used when the vehicle is stationary. 手煞车。 '~-cart n small cart pushed or pulled by ~. 手车; 手推车。 '~clap n dapping: 路手: a slow' ~ clap, slow rhythmical clapping to shdw impatience. 缓慢而有节奏的拍手(喝倒采)。 '~cuff n (usu pl) one of a pair of metal rings joined by a chain, fastened round a prisoner's wrists. (通常用复数)手 Ho → vz put ~cuffs on. 加手筠于。 ful /-fol; -yful/ n (pl ~ fuls) 1 as much or as many as can be held in one ~. 一握之量; 一把。 2 small number: 少数: Only a ~ful of people came to the meeting. 只有少数人到会。 3 (colloq) person or animal difficult to control: (俗)难控制的人或动物: That young boy of hers is quite a ~ fill, is lively and unruly. 她那个小儿子极难管束。 '~-grenade n grenade thrown by hand. 手榴弹。 '~-holdn (esp) anything a climber may grip, eg on a rock face. (尤指)攀登者可抓紧之物(如岩石表面上者 luggage n luggage light enough to be carried by hand. 手提的轻. 便行李。 r 'made adj made by ~ (contrasted with machine-made). 羊工制的(与 machine-made 相对)。 '~maid n (archaic) woman servant or attendant. (古)女仆; 侍女。 '~-me-down n sth passed on (esp sth used and discarded, eg clothes) to another. 给予别人的旧东西(例如旧衣服)。 ~-organ n portable barrel-organ with a crank turned by ~. 手摇风琴。 'picked adj carefully selected. 精选的; 仔细挑选的。 '~rail n railing along the edge of a staircase, etc. 栏杆; 扶手。 ,~saw n saw used with one hand only. 手锯。 '~shake n greeting given by grasping a person's ~ with one's own. 握手。 '~stand n acrobatic feal of supporting oneself in an upright position on the ~ s: 以手着地倒立; 竖蜻蜓: do a ~ stand. 竖蜻蜓。 ' n [U] work done by ~, not by machinery. 手工。 '~writing n [U] (person's style of) writing by ~: 笔迹; 书法: Whose ~ writing is this? 这是谁的笔迹? ,off-'- adj coff-hand.




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