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单词 hand
释义 hand2 /haend; haend/ vt [VP12A, BA, 15A, B] give or pass (to sb); help with the ~(s): 交给; 传递; 用手帮助: Please ~ me that book. 请把那本书递给我。 He ~ed the book to the man at his side. 他把书递给他旁边的那个人。 He ~ed (= helped) his wife out of the railway carriage. 他扶他的太太下火童。 ~ sth down (to sb), pass by tradition, inheritance, etc: 传递: We cannot always observe the traditions ~ed down to us from the past. 我们不能永远遵守过去传下来的传统。 ~ sth on (to sb), send, give, to another: 传给: Please ~ on the magazine to your friends. 请将这杂志传给你的朋友们看。 ~ sth out (to sb), distribute; (colloq) give as alms. 分配; (俗)施舍。 Hence, 由此产生, ~out n a prepared statement given, eg by a politician, to newspaper men; leaflet, etc, distributed free of charge, (jgt 治人物等)交给记者的备妥的声明; (免费的)印刷品,传单等。 b sth given as alms, eg food or money to a beggar at the door. 施舍的东西(例如给予门口乞丐的食物或金钱)。 ~ sb over (to sb), deliver a person to authority: 将某人交给当局 .. ~ sb over to the police. 将某人交给警局。 ~ sth over (to sb), transfer: 交给他人: You can't play with my gun—hand it over at once. 你不能玩弄我为枪,把它立刻交给我。 I've ~ed over my place on the committee. 我已将我在委员会中的职位移交他人。 ~ it to sb, (colloq) give him the credit that is his due: (俗)给予某人应得之荣誉; 归功于某人: He's done well! You've got to ~ it to him. 他做得好!你必须归. 功于他。




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