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单词 鹤立鸡群

鹤立鸡群hè lì jī qún

like a crane standing among chickens—stand head and shoulders above others; a giant among dwarfs; a Triton of (/among) the minnows; a distinguished (/outstanding) man in common crowd; superior to everyone else;the pick of the bunch
❍ 越来越觉得自己是~,找不到朋友。(丁玲《太阳照在桑干河上》21) The longer he was there the more superior he felt to everyone else. He had no friends.
❍ 他不但活泼而诙谐,单是那浑身雪白这一点,在红红绿绿中就有~之概。(《鲁迅选集》上—264) Not only is he lively and full of fun;the mere fact of his being completely in white a mong that gaudy throng makes him stand out like a stork in a flock of fowls.
❍ 至于说: “平心而论,彼一是非,此一是非,原非确论。”则在近来的庄子道友中,简直是~似的卓见了。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—206) As for his contention that “Strictly speaking,it is not true to say that there are no fixed concepts of right and wrong,” that is really a remarkable statement,quite outstanding for a disciple of Zhuang Zi.

鹤立鸡群hè lì jī qún

像鹤一样站立在鸡群中。比喻某人的才能或外表在一群人中非常突出。the flower of the flock, top the world, a crane among chickens, a distinguished man in a common crowd





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