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单词 constitute
constitute/′kɒnstɪtju:t, AmE ′kɑ:nstətu:t/ v [-d,-d/ ɪd/; -eing / ɪ ŋ/]

(1)构(组)成(make up;form (a whole))[T+n][不用prog](fml):Twenty-four hours~a day.24小时构成一天。Seven days~a week.七天为一周。Twelve events~a program.赛程上有12个项目。Four quarts~a gallon.四夸脱为一加仑。Mortar is~d of lime and sand.灰浆由石灰和沙子构成。The committee is~d of members of all four parties.这个委员会由四个党的成员组成。He is so~d that he needs very little sleep/he can accept criticism without resentment.他天生如此,几乎不需要睡眠/能毫无怨恨地接受批评。〖同〗 form,compose,make up;

(2)是(be sth that formsmakes upleads to sth)[L+n][不用prog]:What~s beauty?美的本质是什么? Her vivacity~s her main charm.她的活泼是她吸引人的主要气质。This~s a serious objection/a direct threat (to sb)/a grave danger (to sb)/an act of aggression (against a country)/a challenge (to established attitudes).这是针锋相对的异议/(对某人的)直接威协/(对某人的)巨大危险/(对一个国家的)侵略行为/(对成见的)挑战。The disease~d a serious risk to life.这疾病对生命构成了严重的威胁。The affair~d a serious attack on their liberties.这事件是对他们自由的沉重打击。The defeat~d a major set-back for our diplomacy.这次失败是我们外交上的重大挫折。

(3)建立(set up;establish)[T+n]:The government was~d by the will of the people.这个政府是根据民意建立起来的。The committee was~d to investigate rising prices. 组成这个委员会是为了调查上涨的物价。the recently~d board of directors新近建立的董事会;〖同〗establish,set up,found;appoint;

(4)任命(appoint)[C+n+n](fml):(assembly)~sb its representative (to...)(大会)指派某人为(驻……的)代表;(king)~sb ambassador(to...)(国王)指派某人为(驻……的)大使;(court)~sb legal guardian(of a child)(法庭)指定某人为(孩子的)合法监护人;〖同〗appoint;

→͵consti′tution n 宪法;组成;建立;任命





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