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单词 music
释义 music /'mju: zik; 'mjuzik/ n [U] art of making pleasing combinations of sounds in rhythm, harmony and counterpoint; the sounds and composition so made; written or printed signs representing these sounds: 作曲法; 音乐; 乐曲; 乐谱: (at-trib) (形容用法) a ~lesson/teacher. 音乐课 (老师) 。 face the ~ . face one's critics; face difficulties boldly. 面对批评者; 勇敢地面对困难。 set/ put sth to ~ . provide words, eg of a poem, with 将…配上音乐。 '~-box n (US) musical box, → musical. (美) 音乐竖。 '~hall n (GB) hall or theatre used for variety entertainment (eg songs, acrobatic performances, juggling). (英) 杂耍戏院; 歌厅。 concert-hall at concert1 (1).' ~- stand n light (usu folding) framework for holding sheets of printed music. 乐谱架。 '~-stool n seat without a back (usu adjustable in height) used when playing a piano. 琴椎 (弹奏钢琴时用的无靠背槐子,通常可调节高低) 。→ the illus at brass, keyboard, notation, percussion, string. 参看 brass, keyboard, notation, percussion, string 之插图。




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