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单词 musk
释义 musk /mAsk; mASk/ n [U] 1 strong-smelling substance produced in glands by male deer, used in the manufacture of perfumes. 麝香 (雄鹿腺体所分泌的物质,具强烈香味,用以制香水) 。 '~-deer n small hornless deer of central Asia. 磨; 麝香鹿 (产于中亚的一种体小的无角鹿) 。 ' ~- rat (or 或作 njusquash) n large rat-like water animal of N America, valuable for its fur. 麝香鼠 (北美产的一种似鼠的大水生动物, 其毛皮甚为珍贵) 。 2 kinds of plant with musky smell. 磨香植物。 ~ melon n sweet juicy kind of melon, 一种香瓜; 甜瓜; 金瓜。 '~-rose n rambling rose with large, sweet-smelling flowers. 麝香玫瑰。 ~y adj (-ter, -iest) having the smell of 有麝香味的。




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