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单词 murmur
释义 murmur /'ms:ms(r); 'm3m/ n 1 low, continuous, indistinct sound, rising and falling very little in .pitch: 低沉连续而极少高低变化的模糊声: the ~ of bees in the garden; 花园中蜜蜂的嗡嗡声; the ~ of a distant brook/of distant traffic. 远方溪流的潺潺声(远处车辆的隆隆声)。 2 softly spoken word(s): 低语; 轻语: a ~ of conversation from the next room. 隔壁房间里传来的轻耍的谈话声。 3 subdued expression of feeling: 表示感情的细语; 怨言: a ~ of delight. 表示愉快的细语。 They paid the higher taxes without a ~, ie without complaining. 他们毫无怨言地付了更高的税。 vi, vt 1 [VP2A, C] make a ~⑴:发低沉连续的模糊声: a ~ing brook. 潺潺的小溪。 2 [VP2A, C, 3A] ~ (at/ against), complain in a ~ (3): (对…)低声抱怨: ~ at injustice; 抱怨不公平; ~ against new taxes. 抱怨新的税捐。 3 [VP6A] utter in a low voice: 低声说: ~ a prayer. 低声作祷吿。




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