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单词 musical
释义 musical /'mju: zikl; 'mjuzikl/ adj of, fond of, skilled in, music: 音乐的; 爱好喜乐的; 精于音乐的: ~ instruments, eg the violin, piano, harp; 乐器 (如“ 小提琴,钢琴,竖琴); She's not at all ~, does not enjoy or understand music. 她不喜欢音乐; 她不懂音乐。 ' ~- box n box with a mechanical device that produces a tune when the box is opened. 音乐用 (盒内有机械装置,匣盖开启时即鸣奏简单音乐) 。,~ 'chairs, game in which players go round a row of chairs one fewer than the number of players. Each time the music stops, the players sit down and the one left without a chair is eliminated. 占椅子游戏 (参如游戏者绕着一排椅子而走, 椅子数比游戏人数少一。每一次音乐停止时, 参加者占一椅子坐下,占不到椅子的人被淘汰) 。 ~ comedy, a light, amusing play with songs and dancing. 喜歌剧; 歌舞剧。 n [C] 1 musical comedy. 喜歌剧; 歌舞蓟。 2 cinema film in which songs have an essential part. 音乐片 (以贾乐为主的电影片) 。 ~ly /-kli; -kh/ adv




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