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单词 understate
释义 understate /.Andd'steit; ndv'stet/ vt [VP6A] fail to state fully or adequately; express in excessively restrained language: 未充分曲完整地陈述; 以比较谨慎或简略的语句表达; 少报; 少说: They exaggerated the enemy's losses and ~d their own. 他们夸大敌人的损失,而把自己的损失轻描淡写地带过。 She ~d her age on the census form. 她在户口调查表上少报她的年龄。 ~,ment /'Andasteitmant; Mnde-’stetmant,n [U] understating; [C] statement that expresses an idea, etc. too weakly: 不充分的陈述; 保守或简略的陈述; 少报; 少说: To say that the boy is rather clever is an ~ men,eg of a boy who is brilliant. 说这男孩颇为听明是一种保守的说法(如指一个非常聪明的男孩言)。




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