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单词 一举两得

一举两得yī jǔ liǎng dé

achieve two things at one stroke;kill two birds with one stone; serve two ends
❍ 打入工会,正是他目前要进行的中心活动,梅佐贤也要他进去,那不是~吗?(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—15)To sneak into the trade union was his most important objective at the time.It was a coincidence that Mei Zuoxian also wanted him to worm his way into the union.
❍ 不但将来着手实行,可以减少困难,在中国也顺理成章,免得 “圣人之徒” 听了害怕,总算是~之至的事了。(鲁迅《坟》103) This will not only simplify matters for us when we become fathers in future,but since precedents exist in China for such presumptions,“the sages’disciples”should not be frightened off. In fact,this is killing two birds with one stone.


kill two birds with one stone;serve two purposes at once

一举两得yī jǔ liǎnɡ dé

做一件事情而得到两方面的好处。kill two birds with one stone, gain two ends at once, serve two ends





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