释义 |
一举成名yī jǔ chéng míngachieve instant fame;become famous overnight; make one’s name known at a single attempt/ ‘~天下闻’! 如今二爷走到那里,那里就知道的,谁敢不送来!(《红楼梦》1528)The proverbsays: “A successful candidate’s fame spreads throughout the world. ” Wherever he goes now,people know about him and will have to send him back. ❍ 这些念过点儿书的汉人到了本朝没有科考了,不能探花、榜眼地~了,就把心思都移在这个上头了。(田汉《关汉卿》57) You know,under our dynasty,these Hans with a semblance of education,no longer able to carve their way to renown through civil service examinations,have diverted their thoughts to this profession. ❍ 十年窗下无人问,~天下知。(《关汉卿戏剧集·包待制三勘蝴蝶梦》59) I may study for ten years by the window without receiving any recognition,father,but when I pass the examination and win fame,then the whole world will know me. ❍ 那时候,儒生在私塾里揣摩高头讲章,和天下国家何涉,但一登第,真是“~天下知”,…… (鲁迅《介亭杂文二集·名人和名言》122) In those days a scholar in some private school,deep in his study of the commentaries of the classics,had nothing to do with the affairs of the country. But once he passed the examination “his fame spread thoughout the empire in one day. ” 一举成名yī jǔ chénɡ mínɡ原指考中进士而天下闻名。现多指一下子就出了名。achieve instant fame, become famous overnight, spring to fame |