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单词 single
释义 single /'siijgl; 'siggl/ adj 1 one only; one and no more: 唯一的; 单一南; 一个的: a ~ cherry hanging from the tree. 树上唯一的一颗樱桃。 in ~ file. (moving, standing) one behind the other in a line. (行进,站立)一路纵队。 .—'breasted adj (of a coat) having only one row of buttons down the front. (指外衣)单排钮的。 ~ 'combat, fight with weapons, one man against another man. 一人对一人的作战。 !~-'handed adj, adv done by one person without help from others, 独自的(地); 独力的(地)。 i ~- 'minded adj having, intent on, only one purpose. 一心一意的; 赤诚的。“ ~ stick n [C, U] (fencing with a) stick about the length of a sword. 剑状木棍; 木剑; 使用木剑之剑术。 ~ ticket n ticket for a journey to a place, not there and back. 单程票。 Cf 参愈 US M one-way ticket. ~ track n (on a railway) one line only, with traffic in one direction only at one time. (铁路)单线。 2 not married: 未婚的; 独身的: ~ men and women; 未婚男女; remain ~; 仍然单身 ; the ~ state / life, that of an unmarried person. 独身状态(生活)。 3 for the use of, used for, done by, one person: 适于一人的; 一人用的; 一人做的: a ~ bed; 单人床; reserve (at a hotel) two ~ rooms and one double room. (L 旅社)预定两间单人房和一间双人房。 4 (bot) having only one set of petals. double,(5): (植物)单瓣的: ~ tulip. 单瓣之郁金香。 n [C] 1 (tennis and golf) game with one person on each side: (网球, 高尔夫球)单打: play a ~; 玩单打球戏; the men's/women's ~s at Wimbledon; 温布顿网球锦标赛之男子(女子)单打; (cricket) hit for which one run is scored: (板球)一分打: run a quick ~; 打击后快跑得一分; (baseball) base hit. (棒球)一垒打。 2 (short for a) ~ ticket: 单程票(为 single ticket 之略): two second-class ~s to Leeds. 两张前往里玆之二等单程票。 vt [VP15B] ~ sb/sth out, select from others (for special attention, etc): 挑选; 拣选: Why have you ~d out this incident for criticism? 你为什么单挑这件事批评呀? sing-lv /'siijgli; 'sujgli/ adv one by one; by oneself. 一个个地; 个别地; 猥自地; 单齐地。 ~-ness n [U] quality of being ~. 单一; 独身; 独自; 专一。 ~ness of purpose, complete devotion to one purpose only. 一心一意; 专心致志。




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